How A Stay-At-Home Mother Makes £1,500 Per Day

I’ve just read an interesting article on the Sun website which shared the story of stay-at-home mother, Melanie Forsyth, who claims to be making £1,500 per day doing affiliate marketing.

For those who don’t know, affiliate marketing is where you send people to a specific webpage through a special link that is unique to you, and hope that the person buys a product or service when they land on that webpage resulting in you (the affiliate) being paid a sales commission.

She says that you don’t need a degree or any qualifications to make money as an affiliate marketer… this is true, you don’t.

She posted a video to TikTok explaining what it is that she does to make that £1,500 per day.

That video has been seen over 8.8 million times on TikTok.

In the video she explained that she would visit sites like Amazon, find big items such as patio equipment, get an affiliate link for that product, lift the product image and description from the Amazon listing, and then share it on Pinterest adding her affiliate link to the post.

I have talked about this method before. There are a lot of people doing it… and a lot of people talking about it.

I am not going to doubt her claims because it is doable. There are loads of people who are making a huge success out of the many different online businesses.

I noticed that she mentioned that she uses a Pinterest business account which I believe means she can run paid adverts which will land her posts in front of a lot of people.

Posting to a normal Pinterest account won’t get you far, not without a lot of work building up followers and ‘boards’.

It’s not necessarily a case of simply posting to Pinterest and you will make a tonne of money, not with a new Pinterest account, unless it is a business account where you can run paid for promotions of your posts.

I am seeing a lot of people sharing videos online showing people how to do this form of affiliate marketing as a way to ‘introduce’ people to the idea of affiliate marketing.

Once they have made people aware of what affiliate marketing is, they try and sell them on a course or a coaching program which teaches people how to do a different form of affiliate marketing… such as promote these courses and programs which pay larger commissions.

Again, I am not saying that Melanie isn’t successfully doing what she claims; she appears to be talking from experience.

A lot of those who don’t have any experience usually just show you what to do and talk about others who are doing well at it.

There’s nothing wrong with that either.

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If they are showing you something that you didn’t know, then they have taught you something useful whether or not they do it themselves.

That is the great thing about teaching online, you don’t necessarily have to do it successfully yourself. Just don’t claim to be successful if you aren’t.

Showing people what to do is OK if you are simply parting with information and knowledge.

Very few teachers and lecturers at schools, colleges and universities are successful in what they actually teach or talk about.

Yes, they are successful at ‘teaching’ those topics, but not successful in the topics themselves.

Think of journalists, they share information and teach people daily regarding specific news related subjects.

They don’t always do what they report on, but they do specific research which gives them the information they share.

To be able to teach others, you need only know more than they do.

Yes, it helps if you have experience, but you can know a subject inside out without actually having to do it.

For example, there are people who can tell you everything you need to know about stream locomotives, and those people are not engineers, they didn’t build the locomotives, and they have probably never actually driven one.

There are people who specialise in murderers, but I doubt they have ever killed anyone themselves.

There are different forms of specialisation and experience.

You can have experience within an industry and also specialise in that industry, but not have the same kind of success as someone else in that industry, but you can both share the same information and knowledge.

The only difference is the personal experience and the personal stories the two can share.

I once read that the best way to become a teacher is to immerse yourself in your chosen topic, learn as much as you can until you know it virtually inside out, and then share what you learned.

Some topics and industries you can learn within a weekend.

Some people say that you only need to know a little bit more than the people you intend to teach.

Ideally you need to know a bit more than just ‘a bit more’, but still… if what you share with people is more than they know and it helps them, then all is good.

And that is how a lot of people have made a lot of money online, they spent a weekend or a week or two immersing themselves within a specific topic, they look for problems within that subject, work out a solution, and then start sharing what they learned and teach their solution.

They simply look for a different angle and then position themselves as an expert.

And as we know, an expert is often nothing more than someone who knows more about a subject than the majority.

Is there something that you know more than most people?

If so, you could possibly make money teaching it.

Kind regards

John Harrison.

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