Category Archives: Blog Articles

Why You Need To Build A FY Fund

You might be wondering what a FY Fund is, I shall get to that shortly… but first let me ask you a few questions.

What would happen if your car completely conked out today and you needed to replace it?

What would happen if you or your partner (if you have one) suddenly lost your job today?

What would you do if a fire devastated your kitchen and your insurance would not pay out because it was deemed to have been started by negligence?

What would you do if you or your partner (if you have one) was forced to stop working due to bad health?

Those questions are based on events – or similar events – which have happened to many people over the years. There is another question which you should answer and that is…

Were you happy with the answers you gave to those questions above?

If yes, then you are probably in a good place financially, if not, then you need to keep reading.

Life has a terrible habit of throwing curve balls at people, changing the course of their lives in a heartbeat. 

One day life is good, you have oodles of money coming in each month, all of your outgoings are covered and you can afford to go out and enjoy doing plenty of fun stuff with your friends and family. 

Then, out of the blue something catastrophic happens…

A Moment In Time

Your partner suffers a blackout while driving and crashes the car head on into another car resulting in it being a write off. (I should write intros for Holby City or Casualty)

After an agonising few days in hospital trying to find out what caused the blackout, it is discovered that your partner has an untreatable brain condition. The good news is that it is not life threatening itself but it will mean that they can no longer work or drive a car for safety reasons.

The car insurance company noticed that one of the front tyres on the car has worn tread. After closer investigation they find that the tread on that one tyre is ever so slightly under the legal limit making the car not roadworthy.

They make the decision that the insurance is void because you had not maintained the car up to the standard specified in the insurance policy and refuse to pay out for the damages to your car.

As they have already paid for the damages to the other car, they now write to you demanding that you pay them £3,500 to recoup the money.

The whole accident took less than a few seconds, but the repercussions will be long term. 

As of that day, you are now the sole breadwinner. One of your monthly incomes has stopped and any Government disability benefits your partner may be entitled to won’t be processed for a few weeks at the earliest.

You are also the happy owner of a new outstanding debt of £3,500, and you are now without a car. As you drive 10 miles to work, you need a car and you need it fast.

You have £1,000 available to spend on a new car but as we all know, a reliable half decent one is going to be at least twice that if not more. You could try and use one of your credit cards but you have already maxed them out and you are already paying a large bill each month, which up to this day was manageable.

Family members drive you to work for the first few days and help out with any other car journeys but it isn’t ideal. You need your own car sharpish and so you accept the kind offer from a family member to loan you £2,500 to buy a new car over the weekend.

The New Normal

Last week everything was running smoothly, today you are now adjusting to a new life as a one income household with debts you didn’t expect.

Sounds bleak doesn’t it?

But it can happen.

I have incorporated several events which have happened to people I know. I am happy to say that they didn’t all happen to the same person all at the same time as I have written it. 

Imagine if that really happened to you… how would you fare?

Most of the population of the UK wouldn’t be able to deal with a series of events like that easily. They would be under a lot of stress and pressure. Ideally, the perfect scenario would be to only worry and focus on the health of your partner but with all of the financial issues building up, it isn’t possible.

That is unless, you have what I call a FY Fund…

The Stress Reducing Power Of A FY Fund

A FY Fund is a large fund of money which gives you security and freedom. The FY stands for F*** You which I learned from a very successful multi-millionaire sports personality I met many years ago.

I wrote about it in my book Why Didn’t They Tell Me? You can get a copy of that book here:

Click Here >> Why Didn’t They Tell Me?

He told me that even though he wasn’t interested in the trappings of money and being wealthy itself, having money gave him freedom. His wealth was his f*** you money. He no longer had to work a job he didn’t like, he didn’t have to endure hours of being in the same room with people he didn’t want to be with.

He could come and go as he pleased and do whatever he wanted with his own time. If anything unexpected happened, like the example scenario I laid out above, he could afford to take it in his stride without fear of any financial holes suddenly appearing.

Ok, so his huge slush fund of cash doesn’t help you, but the idea of your own FY Fund should. Building your own FY Fund should be a priority. You need to build your own FY Fund as soon as you can. It might not be easy at first, but you do need to start. Not only can this fund help out when the unexpected happens, it can give you peace of mind and security for your life.

Money Is A Tool

Whether we like to accept it or not, money makes the world go round. It makes our lives easier. Money is nothing more than a tool. A universal tool which can buy a multitude of products, services and experiences. Money opens doors, it eases stresses and gives us freedom.

Whenever anyone says to you ‘the best things in life are free’, ask them to try and pay their rent with sunshine. Maybe they can pay their mortgage with a hug, who knows, maybe Tesco will happily accept a bucket of rainwater in exchange for food. I am sure that Plusnet and Vodafone will allow you to pay your mobile and broadband bills with several jars of homemade apple jam and a bag of homegrown lettuce.

You know that you need money, the problem is that people do not realise how much we actually need money. People love to spend it when they have it. As soon as it is pay day they are busy buying stuff or out socialising with food and drink. Whenever life is good, we have plenty, it slips through our fingers. 

But it’s when life isn’t good when we need it. And the pain people feel during those bad times when money is really needed but in short supply is far worse than the joy people feel when life is good and they are spending money on things they don’t really need.

Obviously, this article is not about making you feel bad or judging you if you have questionably spending habits, it’s about trying to make you aware that your biggest priority after health and family should be to build your own FY Fund.

To build your own FY Fund you need to do 1 of 2 things… or both.

  1. Cut back on non essential spending and save as much money as you can. This can be really hard and make for a miserable life.
  1. Make more money than what you get through your job.

Number 2 is more preferable as the money earned is a bonus. I would suggest that you also do number 1 at the start of implementing number 2 so that you have some breathing money and seed money allowing you to grow the business you are working on.

With number 2, there are no limits to how much you can make, but with number 1, you are limited to how much you can save because you already have a set amount of money coming in and specific outgoings which are not likely to change much.

At least with number 2, you can earn as much as you can manage. If you think long and hard about how you will make extra money, you can develop a system which will give you back far more money than it requires in time, money and effort invested.

For example: Writing sales letters can generate a lot of money. And when you know how, a sales letter can take as little as a day to write. 

‘The most successful letter I wrote…and one of the shortest at two pages of A4…has pulled in over £5 Million so far, and it’s still coming in. I wrote that one way back in 1998 – in an afternoon!’ 

– John Harrison Streetwise Publications

Writing sales letters is a skill which can be learned by almost anyone. Most sales letters use a system and follow time-proven templates which are easy to learn. Letter writers have templates close to hand which they reference. Basically, writing profitable sales letters is like painting with numbers but instead of paint, you use words.

Learn more about writing sales letters here: One Letter From Retirement

To build your own FY Fund, ideally you need to find a way to make money which gives you back maximum profits without taking up a lot of your time and money.

Click Here To Get Your Own FREE Copy Of The Above Book!

Your ideal business model should follow these 5 core principles:

  1. Requires very little upfront or ongoing expenditure unless you are leveraging money itself.
  2. It doesn’t require too much training and learning.
  3. It requires very little actual work… especially hard physical work.
  4. Requires very little of your time.
  5. The returns are the highest possible.

Maybe I should throw in a 6th point and that is… 

  1. Can you replicate it and create more than one income stream? Multiple-income streams are the way to wealth and security. 

Another fantastic business model which works hand-in-hand with writing sales letters is the information publishing and email marketing business. 

With information publishing you create and publish ebooks, courses and/or membership websites about topics people need and want to learn. This is where writing sales letters really helps bring in the big bucks

With email marketing, you promote your own information products or other people’s for a commission as an affiliate. Knowing how to write sales letters helps to write highly profitable killer emails.

In 2014, Anik Singal generated $1,103.086 in just 12 days promoting just one high priced affiliate product. 

He wrote and sent out 18 emails over a 12 day period, which is a lot of emails for Anik, resulting in a cash injection of over $1 million.

Who wouldn’t want a payday like that?

18 emails over 12 days… does that sound difficult to you?

It wouldn’t even take 12 days to write those emails, they were probably written in less than half that… 

That’s $1,103,086 for 12 days of work.

That’s how powerful this business model is. 

You can learn more about email marketing and information publishing here: How To Build Your Own Freedom Business.

A FY Fund will give you back your freedom and give you more security and peace of mind. Should anything happen which throws a serious curve ball into your life, sending you spiraling into an unplanned and unexpected direction in life… your FY Fund is there to help you deal with it.

Further reading How To Retire Early By Writing Simple, Easy To Write Letters.

The Simple 80/20 Outsourcing Principle Which Can Help Change Your Fortune

I want to share with you something I learned a few years ago which could really help you move forward with your business and financial goals.

With there being only 24 hours in a day and everyone having different energy levels, time seems to be in a very short supply when you really need it the most.

To be successful, you will need to do more than the average person… at the beginning at least. 

Once you have systems in place and have built multiple income streams you can take a back seat more.

There are two quotes I read recently which I want to share here and they are… 

“Successful people work 80 hour weeks for a couple of years so they do not have to work 40 hour weeks for the rest of their lives.” – Bob Proctor (Or words to that effect)

“On average if you work 13% more than the average, you’ll make 40% more than the average” – Warren Farrell Author of “Why Men Earn More”

The truth is, the more you do at the beginning, the better your life will become. 

But what if you do not have an abundance of time?

What if you have life and financial circumstances which prevent you from spending more time on those things which will help you to have a better life?

I may have the answer for you…

Have you ever heard of the 80/20 rule?

The 80/20 rule is a universal law, also known as Pareto’s principle – named after the mathematician who discovered it – which states that 80% of outcomes (or outputs) result from 20% of all causes (or inputs) for any given event.

80/20 basically says that 80% of your money comes from 20% of your work. 

In business, 80% of a company’s profit comes from 20% of their sales. 80% of their output comes from 20% of the workforce. 

This rule is seen throughout our lives and in the world around us. 

20% of the UK road network regularly carries 80% of the traffic.

20% of the animal kingdom have supremacy over the other 80%

20% of nations use up 80% of the resources. 

20% of professional footballers earn 80% of the money.

20% of social media influencers will be more successful than the other 80% 

20% of the population earn and control 80% of the wealth … and 20% of that 20% earn and control 80% of the 80% so on and so forth.

Click the image to grab your own FREE copy of my popular book How To Stop Working And Make A Million Pounds Instead

The figures are not always 80/20 but they are thereabouts. 

This really is the way of life. It just is.

Now, with 80/20, you can understand more on how your own life works. 

You can see what you do with your time and which of your actions have the biggest impact on your life. 

For example: as part of the 80/20 principle, 20% of your work time generates 80% of your income. 

This means that out of an 8 hour day, 1.6 hours generates roughly 80% of your income.

Roughly translated, this means that there are parts of your work… certain tasks… which yield more profit. 

That is unless you work for someone else and are being paid an hourly wage, then there are certain tasks and pockets of time where you are generating more profit for your employer.

Understanding the 80/20 rule means that you can identify which tasks pay your more, and those which pay you less.

So what would happen if you spent more of your time doing more of that important 20% work?

The answer…

You would earn more money.

Once you have figured out which tasks make you the most money, how do you spend more time doing them when you have a full day of work and a large list of tasks to do?

The answer…

Outsource your other tasks.

What you should really outsource…

I am sure you have heard of outsourcing before.

A lot of people online are constantly saying that you should outsource jobs to free you and your time up. Which is great business sense… but these people often tell you to outsource the wrong work.

They tell you to outsource the work you cannot do such as build a website, write a book, create a book cover, format an eBook or run advert campaigns. 

It makes sense, especially if you do not know how to do any of these things… but here is the problem… those kinds of jobs can be very expensive to outsource.

They can cost several hundred pounds, sometimes thousands of pounds to have done… yet these jobs are often the 20% which will bring in the 80% of your earnings.

So here is another idea…

Instead of outsourcing the work which will generate you 80% of your money… why not learn how to do those tasks and outsource the more menial jobs which HAVE to be done regularly and can be outsourced for only a few pounds? 

Jobs like shopping, cooking, cleaning your car and cleaning your house.

Where you will pay several hundred pounds to have a short report written, you will pay something like £30 to have your house cleaned. Maybe you have a younger family member who will happily do your big supermarket shop for £20.

Outsourcing both of those jobs could in fact give you at least another half day to work more on those 20% tasks which bring in 80% of your income.

We spend a lot of time doing general living and household tasks. There is no getting away from them, these tasks need doing. Cars need refueling and kitchen cupboards need restocking with food. 

But because of the nature of these types of jobs – requiring no special skills or knowledge and are very easy to do – people cannot and will not charge you a lot to do them.

You wouldn’t pay someone £200 to clean your house for a couple of hours or pay someone £100 just to put £20 worth of petrol in your car and pump the tyres up. Would you?

These are low fee jobs… and they need doing, regularly.

Yet, these simple everyday life jobs can rob us of hours of time each month.

Those hours could have been used working on those 20% tasks which generate more of the 80% money.

Mike Shreeve, copywriter to many of the top internet marketers like Russel Brunson, used to pay a person to fill his car with fuel and cut his lawns leaving him to focus on writing sales letters which made him tens of thousands of dollars.

He also used to pay someone to read his emails and to forward any to him which would need a personal reply. The others were either deleted or answered with a generic reply which suited the question.

I am not saying that you cannot or should not outsource important tasks if you really do not know how to do them or need them doing fast. But if those tasks are vital and have the potential to earn 80% of your income, you really should know how to do them and how they work.

What can an extra 8 hours do for you?

Mike Shreeve is also a 6-figure a year fiction writer. He knows how to run Facebook advertising campaigns yet he pays someone to run his advertising campaigns for him so that he can focus on writing more books. 

Over 8 hours, his ad-guy may set up several ad campaigns for several books, check stats and do some campaign tweaking at a possible cost of $300 – 500 (I guess). Over that same 8 hours, Mike might have written half or maybe even finished the first draft of a book which may go on to generate tens of thousands of dollars – maybe more – further down line.

Even though one sale of a book on Amazon pays him only a few dollars compared to the possible hundreds he pays to the guy running his ads… the overall income generated by his books sales is far greater. 

The more books he writes, the larger his portfolio is, the more books he can sell. So it makes sense for him to focus on his writing and pay someone else to do the other tasks.

It makes more sense to focus your time on the most important tasks which will be expensive to outsource and to outsource the other cheaper time sapping dull jobs.

So, before you rush to outsource all of your vital and profitable work at a cost of thousands, why not outsource those less exciting tasks like shopping and cleaning to people who would happily do them for far less? 

You will save a lot of time and money, and you will be able to focus more on the work which really makes a difference to your life.

Plus… you are giving work to local people, which is good for the local economy.


How To Build An Email Marketing Business & Regain Your Freedom

It can cost just a few pounds/dollars to get started. Depends on how you go about it but the only initial cost can be your autoresponder like Aweber. That can be as little as $19 a month, which is around £15-16 – depending on the exchange rate when you read this article.

If you decide to have your own website –  which I suggest you do – the cost for that can be as little as £120 for 2 years…. That is 2 years hosting of a piece of valuable online real estate for £120! That is an incredible price.

If you would like to learn more about email marketing then I have a very detailed free report which covers:

  • Introduction To Email Marketing
  • How Much Money Do You Want To Make?
  • Email Marketing Isn’t Really That Hard
  • The Landing Page (1 Page Website)
  • Crafting The Perfect Email
  • The 4 Main Types Of Emails
  • Building Your List: Driving Traffic To Your Free Offer
  • Generating Free Traffic Using A Break-Even System
  • Traffic Attracting Articles
  • Information Publishing & Email Marketing
  • Delivery Of Your Digital Products Online

40 pages covering everything you need to know to get started with and grow a successful and profitable freedom giving email marketing business. Get your copy now.

How To Build Your Own Freedom Business

Are you looking for more freedom in your life?

Would you like to own and run your own freedom business?

One where you only need to use your smartphone – maybe a laptop at a push – and an internet connection?

Well it is very doable, and you don’t need any special skills or a lot of funds to get started.

There are thousands of people earning more in a day than what you probably earn in a month by doing nothing more than sending out a few simple emails. 

Sometimes it can be far more than what most people earn in a year!

They live a life of freedom most people envy.

But the truth is, they are not doing anything that the average person cannot do.

It is all learned and incredibly easy to do… it is a business model that is available to everyone and can be started for pennies compared to most traditional business models.

That business model is:

It is incredibly easy to do and I am going to show you how to get started.

But before I do, I have a question for you…

Would you like to make thousands of pounds/dollars each month sending out simple emails?

Emails which take only a few minutes to write?

Actually that was two questions… but I couldn’t help reinforcing how fast writing emails can be. 

So did you answer with a yes?

I know what you are thinking, though… it sounds too good to be true, but it is true. I shall give you some real life examples later… keep reading.

So what is the story with email marketing?

In a nutshell… email marketing is one of the simplest online businesses around…

… and one of the cheapest businesses to start.

Email marketing offers the freedom very few businesses can offer.

Anyone looking for both time and money freedom, the freedom to travel, the freedom to spend time with their family and the freedom to never have to go work for an employer ever again… this business will give it to them. 

Do you want to live a happy and stress free life?

Do you want to feel more calm and relaxed each and every day?

Do you want more freedom in your life? 

Of course you do.

I personally believe everyone should have more freedom….

The freedom to live and enjoy life to its fullest. Life is short and it is very precious.

You deserve to enjoy time and money freedom

And the good news is, you can have that with email marketing.

Everyday I send out several emails, and everyday those emails make me and my business money. 

The emails themselves aren’t magic, nor are they dodgy. I am not phishing people’s computers, sucking out digital money or credit card details. I make real honest money with email. 

It’s a real legitimate business, and a very profitable one at that!

It’s not hard, anyone can do it, including you.

But the sad fact is 76% of people today are living from pay cheque to pay cheque, relying on their wage each and every month. When you are doing that…  life can be really hard and stressful.

76% of the population means there are a lot of people living a life without the kind of freedom that I and others enjoy… a freedom you can enjoy too.

Email marketing can give you back your freedom.

Grab Your Own Exclusive Copy Of The Email Secret HERE:

The Email Secret

But first, let’s take a look at some facts about email:

  • There are over 4.6 billion email addresses being used today.
  • 66% of people purchased a product because of an email they received.
  • 72% of people prefer to receive communications from businesses by email.
  • People check their emails on average 12 times per day.
  • Email marketing has a $38 return on investment (ROI) for every $1 spent.

The last fact is very important, a recent study by HubSpot found that for every $1 spent on email marketing, an email marketer would get back $38. 

Another study by the Data & Marketing Association put it at least $44 per $1 but we will work with $38… which is a fantastic return on investment.

How much interest would you make back if you put $1 into your bank account? 

It won’t be $38… not for a very long time.

Why is having your own email list powerful?

There is a well known truth about online business, and that is:

“The Money Is In The List.”

It’s true, the money is in the list. 

66% of people purchased a product because of an email they received. 72% of people prefer to receive communications from businesses by email.

People want to hear from companies by email and they want to buy products recommended through email.

Basically speaking, an email list is a personal cash machine.

An email list is a list of traffic and a customer base that you own and control

You can send an email to a list of people showing them the offers and products of your choice, and you can direct them to any webpages you want them to see.

That is powerful!

I myself have generated millions over the years using email marketing alongside my information publishing business.

Together, information publishing and email marketing is the ultimate FREEDOM BUSINESS.

Email marketing is all about building large lists of potential customers and then sending emails to the people on those lists promoting products and/or services.

Products and services they want, or you think they may be interested in.

The bigger the list you have, the greater chance you have of making more money.

For example: if you had an email list of 100,000 people and only 1% of that list bought just one of the products or services you promoted each month at the average price of $49… you would have made a cool $49,000… in one month.

(Most online affiliate networks are US based and trade in dollars. I shall be flipping between £ & $, when sharing facts or stories depending on their source of origin.)

If the product was an affiliate product – created and owned by someone else – which paid you 50% of the revenue generated from a sale, you would still have made a cool $24,500… but you wouldn’t have any of the headaches associated with having to create or supply a product. 

That’s not bad is it?

Many affiliate products have tiered commissions, meaning that if a person buys a product at $49 and then buys another product at $100 during the purchasing process, you also get a percentage of that second sale. So you would earn 50% from the initial $49 sale and maybe 25-30% from the second $100 sale.

Some affiliate products pay an ongoing monthly commission on top of the initial sale commission. If the buyer of an initial $49 product went on to buy a $97 a month membership subscription. You could earn a 25-30% commission of that monthly subscription right upto the day they cancel.

And you wouldn’t have done anything more than send out the one first email. All you did was direct people to the affiliate products sales page.

Now imagine if you had more than the 1% buying each month and that the products you were selling or promoting were over $100. 

A list of 100,000 subscribers is a big list, not every marketer has a list that big, but some do. A lot of email marketers have smaller lists with responsive buyers who buy in bigger numbers.

Imagine having an email list of only 25,000 people with 5% of those buying each month. It is doable. It is easier to build a list of 25,000 people than it is 100,000.

The advice by all email marketers is to grow lists as big as possible. Obviously you want to get the best people on your list. You want people who are really interested in the stuff you are sharing and not just tyre kickers looking for a freebie.

The email marketing giant Anik Singal says that he generates on average $2 for every person on his list each month. A list of 100,000 people would have him generating $200,000 each and every month. 

I can tell you that after 15 years of building email lists he has multiple lists with HUNDREDS of thousands of responsive buyers on each list.

In 2014, he generated $1,103.086 in just 12 days promoting just one high priced affiliate product. 

He wrote and sent out 18 emails over a 12 day period, which is a lot of emails for Anik, resulting in a cash injection of over $1 million.

Who wouldn’t want a payday like that?

18 emails over 12 days… does that sound difficult to you?

It wouldn’t even take 12 days to write those emails, they were probably written in less than half that… 

That’s $1,103,086 for 12 days of work.

That’s how powerful this business is.


“The Money Is In The List.”

Starting an email marketing business will cost pennies compared to starting a traditional brick and mortar business like a restaurant or buying a franchise.

The start up costs are often in the tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands and that is before you have even started trading.

Not only that, businesses that supply perishable goods like food often have to dispose of products after a certain time as they go off and out of date. There are a lot of hidden costs with traditional offline businesses.

Let’s take a quick look at a couple of business franchises ordinary people invest in to earn an honest living.

The first one up is a bin cleaning franchise, they are asking people to invest around £9,000 upfront to clean bins using their brand and business knowledge… that’s before any bin has been cleaned.

With a start-up cost of a further £30,000 which is probably for a van, a jet wash and branding, your new bin cleaning business is going to cost in total £39,000 before you have washed your first bin.

That is a total cost of £39,000…  TO * CLEAN * BINS!

The second one is for an oven cleaning franchise.

This oven business will set you back £14,995+VAT… fortunately for you, you only need £10,000+VAT of your own money upfront! The rest you can pay off using one of their pricing options.

An email marketing business can cost less than a couple of hundred pounds to start. 

Once set up, ongoing costs will be paid for by the business itself. Some people have made money the day they properly got started, with others earning back their initial investments within a week.

Email marketing is one of the most affordable business models around making it accessible to anyone and everyone.

How Much Money Do You Want To Make? 

Earning tens of thousands of pounds each month sounds fantastic. It is the dream, something to work towards but wouldn’t you be happy if you could swap your job and earn your monthly income by sending out a few emails each month? 

Emails which take no more than half an hour to write?

It’s certainly a lot less stressful than doing 40 hours each week for a boss. 

With email marketing, you are your own boss and your time is your own. You write the emails when you want, you plug them into the email software system and schedule them to send when you want them to send.

You can write all the emails for the week or month in a day or two and have the rest of the month off.

Even better, pay someone to write the emails for you… I know for a fact people do.

Picture it now… each month you make thousands of pounds in commissions and sales… all from a few emails… which you either write yourself or you pay someone else to write for you.

You do not necessarily need your own website to run an email marketing business and you certainly do not have to make or provide any products of your own… but I recommend you do… I’ll reveal why later. 

You will need an autoresponder service like Aweber for building your email lists and for sending out your emails.

A successful email marketing business requires.

  1. A large list of people known as the email list.
  2. A healthy relationship with the people on the list.
  3. A selection of products those people may be interested in buying.

You can have as many lists as you like. Many email marketers have several email lists covering different niches. 

Why stop at one?

It makes perfect sense to have more than one list especially if you intend to promote different products. 

Having one huge list of 1000,000 subscribers would be great if they were all interested in becoming a self-published author and you only wanted to promote products about writing books and becoming an author.

It wouldn’t be good if you had a list of 100,000 people with no specific interest and you promoted anything and everything to them. 

Imagine you were one of the subscribers on that list, now imagine the confusion if one day you received an email promoting a product on how to write a best seller then the next day you received an email promoting a product about crypto-currencies and bitcoin, and then on the third day you received an email promoting a product on how to meditate.

Following that came emails about keeping Koi Carp and growing tomato plants in cold climates.

It would be very confusing wouldn’t it?

People would unsubscribe from the list in their droves.

You may get a few buyers but nothing compared to the sales you will get promoting a product to a list of people who are interested in that specific topic.

Ideally, you want to have lists of people who are interested in one niche and one niche only. 

These lists are known as segregated lists. 

Lists can also be segregated into buyers and potential buyers.

Potential buyers is a list of those who have signed up for your free product but have yet to buy anything from you. When a person who is interested in a specific niche buys a product you promote, they will be moved onto the buyers list.

A buyers list is a good list as it means those people have made a monetary commitment with you and they have shown trust in you and the products and services you provide or promote. 

It will be easier to sell to them again.

It’s a well documented fact that it’s easier to sell products to people who have already bought from you than those who haven’t. Think about your own shopping habits, do you find yourself buying from the same shops and online stores?

It’s all to do with trust. People buy from shops, companies and people they trust. If they have confidence in a quality product, service and delivery, they will return to buy again.

Trust and confidence is gained by the emails you send out regularly. If all you send out are buy my stuff emails people will be turned off, especially if the products or services are below parr. People will soon be unsubscribing and running a mile.

Send emails which help subscribers solve problems or shares with them valuable information, do that regularly and they will hang around to see more. They will grow to trust you and the products you promote.

Getting Started With Email Marketing

It can cost just a few pounds/dollars to get started. Depends on how you go about it but the only initial cost can be your autoresponder like Aweber. That can be as little as $19 a month, which is around £15-16 – depending on the exchange rate when you read this article.

If you decide to have your own website –  which I suggest you do – the cost for that can be as little as £120 for 2 years…. That is 2 years hosting of a piece of valuable online real estate for £120! That is an incredible price.

If you would like to learn more about email marketing then I have a very detailed free report which covers:

  • Introduction To Email Marketing
  • How Much Money Do You Want To Make?
  • Email Marketing Isn’t Really That Hard
  • The Landing Page (1 Page Website)
  • Crafting The Perfect Email
  • The 4 Main Types Of Emails
  • Building Your List: Driving Traffic To Your Free Offer
  • Generating Free Traffic Using A Break-Even System
  • Traffic Attracting Articles
  • Information Publishing & Email Marketing
  • Delivery Of Your Digital Products Online

86 pages covering everything you need to know to get started with and grow a successful and profitable freedom giving email marketing business. Get your copy below.

Grab Your Own Exclusive Copy Of The Email Secret HERE:

The Email Secret

Five Steps To Take Back Control Of Your Life

Do you feel that your life is no longer yours?

Does life feel hard and at times miserable?

Do you feel that you are spending a lot of your time working and going nowhere?

Maybe you feel tired, underrated and skint. A lot of people do.

Living costs are going up, but wages aren’t and people are working longer and harder to simply cover their bills. They are nearing burn out… but they must go on… dragging themselves out of bed just to keep the wolf from the door. 

Life becomes a cycle of work – sleep – work and wages – debt – wages.

If you are feeling fed up with it all and need to do something about it then here are our 5 tips to… 

  • Reclaim back your life 
  • Take control of your finances
  • Regain your happiness 
  • Put a smile back on your face 
  • Put a song in your heart 
  • Live a happy life of peace and security

Five Steps To Take Back Control Of Your Life

1. Have A Budget

Having a budget is one of the best ways to control your finances. 

When you have a budget you know how much you are spending and how much you have coming in each month. It’s vital that you know how much you are spending. You should always know which are the essentials like food and bills and those which are not such as takeaways, treats, and entertainment.

Having a budget means that you can make sure that you make only decent purchases and that you are not simply buying things on a whim.

Humans are emotional buyers. People purchase items on impulse because of the emotions they are feeling at that time. Very few people buy using their heads. 

You need to become a head buyer and not an emotional buyer.  

Buying things that you can ill afford, is very detrimental to your finances and can cause all kinds of issues and problems at a later date. You never know when you really need money. The boiler or the car may break down and that big splurge on clothing back in April which you hardly touch won’t seem like a good buy when you can’t afford the repairs.

When wanting to make a purchase, you should ask yourself… 

Do I really need this? 

Do I need this or is it simply something I want? 

Will I survive if I don’t buy it?

One thing you should consider when you are spending money on the non-essential items is the time it took to earn that money. It really helps if you see money as time and not money.

What I mean by that is, that for you to earn the money that you spend, you have to give your time to someone else. You exchange your time for money. As an employee receiving a wage you earn money by giving your employer your time, and they pay for that time you spent working for them by giving you money. 

You exchanged your time for money so when you buy a coffee, a cake, or some kind of snack from a sandwich shop which you really don’t need, you are actually paying for that with hours. 

Think about the food you throw into the bin. 

You buy vegetables and perishables from the supermarket, it goes off and then you bin it. That is your time being thrown in the bin.

It isn’t money that you are using. It is your time, and time is precious.

The one thing you need more of is spare time and personal time. If you spend less money then you need to earn less. Now that’s not so easy when you’re working for an employer, if you are contracted to work 40 hours then you have to work those 40 hours a week. You can’t simply do 10 hours less one week. You can enjoy having more money though if you still reduce the amount you spend on non-essential stuff.

When you’re working for yourself though, you can reduce your hours and spend more time doing the things you enjoy. (That is if you choose the right way to make money when self-employed… more on this later, please keep reading.)

When you have a budget and you know what money is coming in and how much is going out, and you are on top of your spending, you can use any extra money you have to help pay off any debts that you may have.

It is important that you try and pay off any debt that you have as fast as you can. This is key to taking back control of your life.

Any debts that you may have, you must pay those off first because if you decide to put money away into a bank account instead and pretend that you have savings, you will lose money. And as we know, money is your time. 

The reality is that you’ll be paying more on interest on those debts, than you will be earning on those savings.

So it always makes sense to pay off any debts as soon as possible. 

When you have a budget you can make sure that you are spending only on the essentials, maybe a little bit on entertainment, but on the whole should be putting more money into paying off any debts and working towards becoming debt free.

Being debt free is one of the most important factors for a happy and controlled life..

2. Eat Healthily and Exercise

It is very important that you eat as healthy as possible. You should reduce the amount of sugary rich foods that you consume because they will have a negative effect on your health, on your immune system and on your mental state. This will all have a negative effect on your daily life and your productivity.

It is well documented that eating healthily can have a huge benefit to your mental wellbeing and your body as a whole.

The foods that you put into your body which are rich in sugar and carbohydrates, make a person sluggish. They also have a negative effect on a person’s mental clarity. You are not achieving the best results that you can because of the food that you eat. 

There is a well known saying, you are what you eat and it’s true. Basically if you eat crap sugary foods, then you are going to feel crap and have crap life results.

People are so protective when it comes to their cars, they wouldn’t dream of putting diesel in a petrol car so why expect the human body to be any different. At least a car can be repaired easier with replacement parts and money.

Sugary rich foods are linked to many health conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease and several cancers. After smoking, the second biggest cause of cancers in the UK is obesity. No one gets obese without eating sugary crap food and drink and consuming copious amounts of it.

An unhealthy and diseased person cannot have total control over their lives.

Try fasting, it reduces the amount of food which goes into your system and you do not need to count calories. Focus on eating better food and you will lose weight (if you need to) without trying and feel a whole lot better.

It is important that you try and get some form of exercise even if you are not a gym bunny or into exercising in general. You need to do something to keep you fit and healthy. If you dislike exercising then you want to go and find something you enjoy doing, like going for a walk, dancing or going for a bike ride.

Those who have a dog will probably get their exercise by walking the dog on a regular basis, which is great… but there are those who don’t. There is a rather large and unfit looking gentleman living not too far from me. He regularly brings his dog to exercise on the grass land across the road. He lives less than a minutes walk from the land yet he drives the dog here and then while the dog is running around, he leans against his car smoking a fag.

Taking back control of your own life means taking control of your health and wellness too.

If the more physically demanding forms of exercise are not for you, go for a walk, or maybe take up something like tai chi or yoga. These are really good because they are a form of moving meditation and are great for your mental wellbeing. 

Exercise is vital to a healthy body and it’s great for sleep and is great for productivity.

It is the lack of productivity which is often the biggest downfall for most people. It pushes them down into a life which becomes a prison of their own making. A prison they cannot escape from.

There are many kinds of exercises that you can do at home. I’ve mentioned tai chi and yoga, they are perfect for doing at home if you have a bit of space.There are other exercises that you can do when you have 5 minutes spare. 

Even just doing squats when you’re brushing your teeth, or do a few star jumps while waiting for the kettle to boil. You can walk or run up and down the stairs several times a day to get the heart beating and burn off some excess energy and fat. 

It doesn’t need to be a full on hour long gym session, gentle exercise is better than nothing. But you do need to keep your body healthy and functioning properly if you want to reclaim your life.

3. Get More Sleep and Meditate

Doctors and scientists are all in agreement that a person who isn’t getting around 8 hours of sleep is causing their body damage. Lack of sleep has a negative effect on a person’s body and their mental state. 

This is not good news for anyone who has conditions like M.E. or fibromyalgia where they are in constant pain which makes sleeping a struggle. They are usually fatigued and need sleep but sleep eludes them. It is a vicious circle. But for the rest of us, we can decide to get more sleep… or at least try.

Scientists say that a person needs to have at least 6 or 7 hours sleep. If you can do the full 8 hours, that’s brilliant, but if you cannot, at least aim for having 6 hours minimum of good sleep. If that means having to go to bed early then do so. One of the best ways to get an early night and go to sleep early is to not watch TV in bed. Go to bed early, maybe do a bit of reading but make sure it’s nothing overly stimulating.

You won’t get much sleep if you are reading a few chapters of the latest zombie story!

There is a half substitute for sleep, and that is meditation. Now I’m not saying that meditation is as good as sleep, but if you are struggling to sleep then you should consider taking up meditation because meditation is really good for the brain, for the mind and the body. 

Meditation has been shown to have all the brain waves working at the same time. When you are sleeping one set of brain waves is more active than the others and while awake it’s the opposite. With meditation all the brain waves are functioning together so you are asleep and awake at the same time. Meditation is incredibly refreshing for the brain.

With meditation, you relax and calm the mind and body. It is perfect for stress management. You focus your awareness on your breathing, a physical item such as a picture or a candle flame, a mantra, or parts of your body, and silence the mind. 

You do not need to sit for hours meditating to get benefits. No one is asking you to become a Zen Buddhist Master. 5 to 10 minutes a day will do. If you can take just a few minutes from your day to make meditation a habit it can and will have a huge positive effect on your life.

With meditation the idea is to stop thoughts from taking control of your attention.

Do not try and stop thinking when you’re meditating, the idea is to allow your mind to focus on something else and when thoughts come into your mind, you just do not get involved with them. You allow thoughts to drift back off into the ether. The whole purpose of meditation is to focus your mind on one thing and one thing only. 

Eventually, if you practice regularly, you’ll be able to allow your mind to quieten and be still. You will become mindful of what is happening in and around you, you become aware of your thoughts without having to get involved with them.

Thoughts will come and go, like a giant media player on constant shuffle. You will see images, you will have memories, you will hear sounds and voices, there will be smells, there will be all kinds of mental activity going off in your mind like fireworks. 

The art of meditation and mindfulness is simply to not allow yourself to get seduced by those thoughts and be pulled into a spiral of thinking which can be detrimental to your calmness and your happiness. Getting involved in prolonged negative thinking patterns can be very detrimental to your health and very damaging to your life in the long run.

4. Watch Less Television And Do More

This one is quite self explanatory. 

People enjoy watching the telly, myself included. I am a huge fan of Sci-Fi and British dramas, especially crime dramas. There is plenty to watch. We have access to NetFlix, BritBox, and Amazon TV. We are spoilt for choice. There is probably too much choice really. 

There’s a lot of great dramas, films and reality TV for people to get lost into when they get home from a hard day at work. But the problem is that TV can rob people of a good future. 

What’s worse is that very few people realise that.

Watching too much TV means that people are not doing the things they need to do to improve their life, build a better future or simply change the circumstances that they are currently experiencing.

If you are in a bad financial situation where you need to earn money, watching excessive television is not going to help. It won’t help earn the extra money needed to get yourself out of that current situation. Now, before you shout at me, I know you know that. I am not trying to insult your intelligence, but the problem lies in switching the television on itself.

Once the gogglebox is on, it is distracting. People get so absorbed into the progammes they have on, even if they are not fully enjoying them, they simply forget about their life situation and forget to go and do something better instead. It happens to me too.

People generally watch between 4 to 6 hours of TV a day, and that time is something that could be used being more productive and engaging in acts which would be more beneficial to a person’s life.

For example, that 4 – 6 hours could be used for reading books. Books which could be educational. A person could learn a whole new set of life changing skills instead of watching reruns of Star Trek or people argue in Albert Square. 

I have swapped watching the morning news for reading and as soon as the good lady goes to bed, I turn off Family Guy and do another hour of reading before bed. 

In fact, reading itself iseducational, if you have wanted to be a writer, reading more will help you to write better. 

Instead of watching the telly you can write, you can paint, you can go to classes in the evening, you can listen to podcasts and audiobooks, you can study an online course, you can exercise. You can do a lot more with your time if you’re not watching TV.

People enjoy watching TV, it’s a comfort for them. It can take away the pain of having to work a job they don’t like or work with people they cannot escape from. TV is a drug which anaesthetises an unhappy life. However, the sad truth is that by watching so much telly regularly they are keeping themselves stuck in the unhappy life they are trying to escape from. 

People watch far more TV than they need and it is often that one thing that holds them back and stops them from becoming successful and taking back control of their own life.

The people who stop watching TV in the evening generally do go to bed earlier resulting in them getting more and better sleep. They often get up early in the morning too and have a longer and better day. They become more productive and have more meaningful lives.

5. Become Your Own Boss And Make Your Own Money

One of the most important steps to taking back control of your own life is to sack your boss as they say. Get rid of the day job, or at least, your dependence on money from one source.

Taking control of your finances and your own work means that you can control your time better and you can decide as and when you work and what you do… and how much you charge and earn.

Whether we like to acknowledge it or not, life is hard when you do not have money. Our society is set up around money. We pay our bills with it, we buy food with it, we buy entertainment with it… we use it for everything.

Money isn’t bad, it can’t be, it’s just money. It is a tool which can be used to make our lives better. Money is a universal tool. The more we have, the more we can buy and do. 

To Get Your FREE Copy Of How To Stop Working And Make A Million Pounds Instead by John Harrison CLICK HERE:

Money gives us security and peace of mind. When we have plenty of it that is… when we don’t have much… then life becomes really hard. 

Being skint in the middle of winter is no joy when the boiler suddenly stops working and then to lay the boot in, work suddenly dries up. I know, it happened to me many years ago when I was working as a joiner.

People who have jobs, are generally working from pay packet to pay packet. Living month to month.

There is a saying, the word job J-O-B means… 

…just over broke

A person who is employed and working for other people, is very rarely going to earn more than what they need each month, unless they are on a fantastic wage.

Basically a person who has a job is very unlikely to become wealthy. 

Very often many people who are employed run up some kind of debt. Whether it is credit cards or loans, a lot of debts come from families struggling to survive and keep a roof over their heads. 

People love to think it comes from irresponsible people splurging out on holidays or products they cannot really afford or need. They love to blame people for being bad spenders but it’s not always true… statistics show that a huge amount of debt comes from people simply trying to live.

They struggle to get out of debt because the money that they earn each month is simply not enough to cover living costs and debt repayments. There is rarely enough to pay extra towards debts meaning that their debts become long term shackles which are hard to shake off.

Taking Control Of Your Income

When you become your own boss, or you work for yourself, you can decide what you do and when you work. It sounds easy doesn’t it, and it can be, but the biggest problem is that most people who try to take control of their own income do so by choosing a wrong career.

They often choose to do something which they know they will love and enjoy, which is great as it can make doing the work easier… to a degree, but it can also become a prison of your own making.


Well, unless what you choose to do is a premium service which costs little to do and requires little of your time, you can be working hard, working long hours and spending a lot or money trying to earn money.

You need to decide carefully about the kind of work you’re going to do. 

For example:

A joiner requires a van, a workshop, insurances, and a hell of a lot of tools. I know… I have been there.

It is a lot of hard work. 

Not only do you need to do the work people are paying you to do, you need to find future work and that requires you measuring up jobs, taking phone calls and working out quotes and estimates. Add the invoicing and TAX paperwork, you can end up working twice as many hours than you actually get paid for.

I myself have… and I know of others in the building trade who have worked very late in the evening pricing up jobs and doing paperwork just so that we can spend at least 6-8 hours the following day getting the actual work done.

Occasionally midnight became the marker to stop and go to bed.

In the video below I look at opening a coffee shop… another romantic business. Looks great on paper… but is it really that good for making money and reclaiming your life back?

To Make Money Or To Earn Money? That Is The Question

Becoming self-employed and becoming your own boss can be extremely hard if you get it wrong.

Ideally, you need a system, a method or a set of skills which will allow you to make big returns on the least amount of effort.

In the video below we discuss the five points that a person should consider when they want to work for themselves or if they are looking for a part-time job or a second job to generate extra money. 

The 5 Crucial Points For A Perfect Money Making System

  1. Requires very little upfront or ongoing expenditure unless you are leveraging money itself.
  2. It doesn’t require too much training and learning.
  3. It requires very little actual work… especially hard physical work.
  4. Requires very little of your time.
  5. The returns are the highest possible.

Maybe I should throw in a 6th point and that is… can you replicate it and create more than one income stream? Multiple-income streams are the way to wealth and security. 

So when you are looking for a way to make more money, whether it’s going to be full-time, part-time or just a second job you need to consider those 5 points. You would do right to find work which gives you the most returns for the least amount of work, using the least amount of tools and time.

One such job is Letter Writing. This is a skill which anyone can learn, requires nothing more than a good laptop and internet connection (a tablet and smartphone could do) and the returns on the work and time can be astronomical. 

With one letter which took an afternoon to write John Harrison made over £5 million… there are loads of multi-millionaire letter writers… and the reason is that there is a HUGE demand for letter writers and copywriters.

If you write sales letters for your own products then you build up a portfolio of income streams.

If this interests you then click the link below to learn more:

How To Retire Early By Writing Simple, Easy-To-Write Letters

‘The most successful letter I wrote…and one of the shortest at two pages of A4…has pulled in over £5 Million so far, and it’s still coming in. I wrote that one way back in 1998 – in an afternoon!’ 

– John Harrison Streetwise Publications

There is a saying… 

You Are One Letter From Retirement… 

…and it’s true.

But unless you understand what kind of letters the saying is referring to, you could be mistaken in thinking that it’s nothing more than a load of old bunkum.


How can anyone make a lot of money writing letters?

Well I am here to tell you that it isn’t bunkum it isn’t bunkum, it is true. 

Writing letters can in fact, make an incredible amount of money and help you to retire early with more money than you believe is possible.

Wealth Is In The Words

Why The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword

The letters in question are not ones you send to your gran, no, these are the ones which people will pay several thousands of pounds to have written.

Sometimes tens of thousands of pounds. And in some cases, the writers of these specific letters will be paid an ongoing percentage of the sales, which have resulted in hundreds of thousands of pounds, and at times, millions of pounds for the writer.

The letters which I am referring to, are sales letters. 

Learn How To Write The Perfect Highly Profitable Sales Letter Here…

One Letter From Retirement

Writing sales letters and sales copy DOES NOT require a lot of skill.

At least, nothing which you cannot easily learn from other people.

As long as you can talk and write in good – yet basic English, then you can become a well paid sales letter writer.

In fact, it pays more if you are not an English professor or literature mastermind.

The majority of sales letters need to communicate with the general public and so they need to be written in basic conversational English.

Sales letters are not trying to win awards for literature or be listed on a Best Sellers List. The writers are not out for status or awards, they want results, planned results.

They write their sales letters to make money. Either directly from the sales letter or indirectly further down a funnel which the sales letter has sent a reader.

Sales letters are written in a way which excites the reader to take action. That action could be to:

  • Buy a product
  • Sign up for a free product or service.
  • Join a newsletter.
  • Make a phone call or contact someone.
  • Hire a person or service.

Directly or indirectly, the sales letter is written to generate money. They are designed to get a result. The more results the better.

Using tried and tested principles like A.I.D.A, or the new improved A.I.D.P.A as I prefer to use, the sales letter writer can generate thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and even millions in sales.

One letter can generate enough money for the average person to retire from their job… several times over.

The best copywriters can charge up to £30,000 to write one sales letter for a client… sometimes more. 

If the product the client is selling is a high ticket item and is expected to earn hundreds of thousands or even over a million in sales off the back of a strong sales letter, the client would not think twice about paying a copywriter the same amount of money for one sales letter which an average worker would earn in one full year of employment.

A sales letter can take as little as a day to write, sometimes less. But, if there is research required, maybe a week or two…it all depends on what you are selling, who you are selling too and what the client wants.

But who would seriously complain at doing a couple of week’s work for the equivalent of a year’s wage? 

You could work a couple of weeks and take the rest of the year off.

That would be nice wouldn’t it?

Or, you could write one or two letters each month, working no more than a week in total and have the rest of the time off. Writing 12 – 24 letters a year would certainly fill your bank account up nicely.

If those sales letters also paid you a percentage of the sales, or were for your own products, you could be earning a semi-passive income throughout the time you are not working.

There are several copywriters who specialise in writing sales letters for specific industries using templates charging £1,000 – £5,000 per sales letter. Because they know the industry inside out, they know the audience they are targeting, and using specific templates, they are able to write a sales letter in a day or two. 

They then take the rest of the month off… if they chose to. They earn 2 to 3 times the average monthly wage in less than a week… and still have 3 weeks off. This really is a freedom skill. 

One which can easily have you retired faster than any other job. As stated earlier, you are only… 

Watch! How To Make Money Writing Letters Tutorial Video

One Letter Away From Retirement

Let me be frank here, writing sales copy isn’t hard. If I can do it, so can you. Anyone who takes the time to learn the basics can write seriously profitable sales letters. 

I personally have had no training to be a copywriter, I simply read and write. I read sales letters and books written by other sales letter writers and I then write.

I write sales letters.

Every new sales letter I write strengthens my skills and reinforces my knowledge.

But, until I started to learn and practice, I didn’t know how to write a sales letter. I didn’t know how to sell a sausage let alone a course worth thousands of pounds.

But I do now.

And so will you.

Everything is learnable, and that is something which we want to pass on to you. 

Learn How To Write The Perfect Highly Profitable Sales Letter Here…

One Letter From Retirement

The Pen Really Is Mightier Than The Sword…

When robbers and highwaymen looted carriages and stole from the wealthy, they never reached the level of wealth of popular writers, newspaper publishers or book publishing companies.

How could they? 

They pulled out guns and swords and stole, but once they had spent that money they were poor again. They had to go out and steal more money, all the while keeping a watchful eye over their shoulders for the long arm of the law… which in those days often resulted in a dangerous beating as well as being sent to the ye olde gaol.

Wealth Is In The Words

Publishers and writers on the other hand, were rolling in money. They were earning money even when they were not working. While sleeping, while out dining and socialising, and while resting with their feet up, writers and publishers were earning money. 

Unlike authors and traditional book writers, copywriters and sales letter writers can write a letter in a day or two which can keep earning them thousands of pounds many years later.

Dan Kennedy wrote one sales letter which has generated him over a million dollars in commissions. The letter probably took him no more than a week to complete, and yet, even to this day it is still earning him money.

And if you think that is impressive, read on…

‘Coming right up to date, the most recent letter, which I wrote just last week, brought in over £40,000 in the first two days after being read by less than a thousand people.  I fully expect that one to bring in over £1 Million over the next two or three years.’ 

– John Harrison Streetwise Publications

Writing sales letters is an incredible and hugely profitable skill. 

Yes you need to have a product to sell and yes you need to get people to see your sales letter, but without the skill of writing great sales copy, you will sell diddly squat, even if you had a good product and thousands of people looking for it.

If there isn’t a great sales letter for people to read, they will not buy. They won’t know if the product you are offering is any good, whether it will change their life around, whether it will alleviate their pain and suffering, or if it is worth the money on the price tag.

Without sales letters, people won’t buy. With great sales letters, people in their hundreds and thousands will whip out their credit cards and make a purchase.

But you do not need thousands of people to buy your product to make a lot of money. If you are selling a product which is worth a few hundred pounds or even a few thousand pounds, you only need a couple of hundred sales to generate an incredible amount of money.

All made easier if you have written a compelling sales letter.

And, as stated before…

You DO NOT Need To Be Good At Writing To Become A Great And Highly Paid Sales Letter Writer.

Learn How To Write The Perfect Sales Letter Below:

The Profitable Power Of A Simple Idea

If you have ever wanted to be wealthy, or at least have more money than what you currently have, then maybe you should start to focus on what is going on in your mind.

Too many people settle for the idea that they cannot or will not be wealthy because it ‘just isn’t for them’ as if there was some kind of magical force choosing who earns money or not.

Watching other people who have money with dejected eyes, wishing that they could at least have some of that wealth pie.

Well you can.

Wealth is not something which is determined at birth. There is no wealth god who decides who can and will get rich and who won’t.

Wealth is not a ‘thing’ that other people have. 

Wealth is not assigned to… or simply given to other people while you are completely overlooked.

There is no ‘other half’ like the saying implies.

Yes, some people inherit wealth, are born into wealthy families or are given a big hand from wealthy parents, but generally wealth is nothing more than the accumulation of money and items collected through various systems and methods.

‘The most successful letter I wrote…and one of the shortest at two pages of A4…has pulled in over £5 Million so far, and it’s still coming in. I wrote that one way back in 1998 – in an afternoon!’  – John Harrison Streetwise Publications


Wealth Is A By-Product Of Action…

A Result Of A Good Idea.

The accumulation of wealth is a by-product of action.

Action based on ideas.

The same can be said of the lack of wealth…  the lack of specific action and the repetition of bad action will lead to a lack of wealth… but that’s for another post. 

True wealth is the result of an idea or ideas.

And we all have ideas.

Sometimes all it takes is just one idea… an idea which comes out of nowhere when you least expect it.

That ONE Big Idea… could be all you need to change your financial situation.

But… the idea itself is useless if nothing is done with it.

An idea without action is simply… an idea.

To say that wealth is something that only ‘the other half’ have is doing a big disservice to people like JK Rowling, Roman Abramovich, Paul McCartney, David Beckham, Dr Dre, Stephen King and James Patterson to name a few.

In fact, I would say that it was…

a down right insult.

Those people are very wealthy individuals, but they started with nothing and eventually amassed small to rather large fortunes by doing nothing more than creating systems which filtered wealth to them.

All based on the ideas they had.

They have not done anything which you or I cannot do. They had ‘ideas’ and they took action on those ideas.

Yeah But…! They Are Lucky… Right?

Some might say that luck or talent is involved with some of these people who created products which people like or need, but again that isn’t true.

Luck is not something which just happens, it is something we ALL control… most of the time.

These people learned as much as they could about the systems they wanted to work with, the systems which brought wealth to them. 

They invested in themselves and studied hard. They mastered their crafts and whenever they could, they put their knowledge into action.

JK Rowling, Stepehn King and James Patterson spent years writing, suffering many rejections and setbacks before success came knocking.

Paul McCartney learned how to play the guitar and write songs, Dr Dre spent time writing raps and learned how to produce music. They performed numerous gigs mastering the art of their craft before success came knocking.

David Beckham practiced taking free kicks and penalties while his friends went out having fun. He practiced day and night until he mastered his skills.

Roman Abramovich learned about buying stocks and shares and then invested his spare money until he no longer had to work in the oil fields of Russia. The man is a billionaire who owns/owned the oil company he onced worked for.

Never Give Up!

One of the things which ties this group of people together, and separates them from others – apart from the fact they all acted on their ideas – is that they never gave up. They carried on even when times were hard going.

Stephen King worked as a teacher to earn money while he spent his spare time writing his unpublished books. He kept his rejection letters pinned to the wall, having to swap the pin for a longer nail because of the amount of rejections he was getting.

James Patterson received 30 odd rejections before he had his first short story published. His success is largely down to him self-funding his own TV advert for his first published book because the publishing company wouldn’t. 

Paul McCartney along with his Beatles band mates were famously rejected by Decca records because their music was considered ‘old’… that was before they became the biggest band the world has ever known.

JK Rowling was turned down 12 times for her first Harry Potter book and now look at it… Harry Potter is one of the biggest children’s adventure franchises in the world. Those Harry Potter books have spawned other books too.

JK Rowling also turned her hand to crime writing under the pen name Robert Galbraith, yet after her huge success with several Harry Potter books, the first of her crime books was rejected by publishing houses… until it was leaked that she was the writer and then it became a huge success… or at least, that’s how the story goes.

Whatever their passion or business venture was, these people simply did not give up and allow the thoughts and opinions of others to stop them from doing what they wanted to do. 

They knew they had something to share with the world, they knew what they wanted to happen and they made it happen.

The traditional idea of luck never paid any part in their success. Luck is created, as the saying goes…

“The harder I work, the luckier I get.” – Samuel Goldwyn

These people made their own luck by running with the ideas they had.

Become An Ideas Farmer

People have ideas all the time, they come right out of the blue, when we least expect them. We could be in the shower, sitting on the toilet, driving the car or at work. 

Ideas are flowing to us all the time.

One or several of those ideas could be worth a lot of money to you. If you follow on from the initial idea and take action.

The idea could be to learn a new skill, it could be the idea for a new book, it could be a new business venture, or maybe a website focusing on a specific topic.

Whatever the idea is, it will only stay as an idea until you explore it more.

Write down any ideas that you have and expand them. Go to town and write down EVERYTHING which comes to mind as you think through the idea.

Slowly you will see a plan grow, a plan which you can start to follow. 

Ideas can become very profitable and if you follow through on ideas they can take you to places you probably never dreamed of.

In 1964, the Beatles were already wealthy when Paul McCartney and John Lennon one day sat down to pen a new song. 

In an interview Paul McCartney said, “John would be getting an extension on his house or something, and the joke used to be, ‘Okay! Today let’s write a swimming pool.’ It was great motivation.”

“Then in the next three hours, ‘Help!’ appears from nowhere, you’d suddenly get the idea, this’ll be a hit, this is a good one. You become aware what you were doing was making money. Making good money.”

I love the sentence, ‘Today let’s write a swimming pool.’ To me it shows how powerful an idea is and what taking action can lead to.

An idea is the seed which when nurtured can develop into something beautiful. 

The nurturing process is actively working on it, doing whatever it needs and takes to grow that seed. If one idea doesn’t work, you try a different approach or a completely new idea.

The idea is to not stop and give up.

How To Become A Master Ideas Generator

Ideas, which are the seeds to wealth can be cultivated. 

With a notepad and a pen, sit down and write down all the ideas you have for new business ventures, books, products or services. Whatever they are, however stupid you may think they are, simply write down all the ideas you have.

Read through them and filter out any which on second glance appear to be unlikely to work. Begin to evolve on any which you think can work and carry on until you are left with a few good ones to work with.

To become a master idea generator, spend time each day coming up with a list of 10 new ideas for different things.

Such as:

  • 10 non-fiction book ideas
  • 10 fiction story book ideas
  • 10 website ideas
  • 10 business ideas
  • 10 service ideas
  • 10 physical product ideas
  • 10 life changing social ideas

Spending time thinking up ideas in different fields will help to acustom the brain into seeing and thinking up ideas.

Look around at the things around you and think about how they can be improved or used in different ways. 

Becoming an ideas person can bring in a lot of money, the more ideas you have, the greater chance you have of hitting on a real profitable idea… and the greater chance you have of having several profitable ideas giving you multiple income streams.

Multiple income streams is another secret to wealth accumulation and that is something I shall discuss in another post.

But remember, ideas are only profitable if you take action and make them real. If not…

an idea is nothing more than just an idea.