All posts by Streetwise

Are You Scared? You Should Be!

Using fear as a way to sell products and services has been used for many years. It is also frowned upon if it is used in a negative and fraudulent way.

A prime example of this would be an email Andi, our techy guy, received last week regarding a website of his.

The email said something along the lines that one of his websites had a number of harmful and toxic links pointing at it which would harm its chances of ranking high in the search engines.

Surprisingly, the email was from a guy selling SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) services which promised to ‘remove’ the links and improve its SEO allowing the website to be lifted up higher in the search results.

SEO doesn’t happen overnight and it can often require ongoing work for a few months. People charge quite a lot for SEO services.

Andi simply dismissed the email because he did a quick check on the website and also had a good friend who is an SEO specialist to double check it and it was given a good clean bill of health.

The email was written in a way to scare ‘non techy’ people into panic buying their SEO services.

The person who sent the email is banking on the fact that most website owners know very little about SEO other than that they need their website to rank on the first page of the search results – or at least believe they do.

He is expecting many of them to panic and then request help to ‘solve the problem’ they now believe they are facing… a problem that didn’t actually exist.

It’s a bit devious.

Fear is a huge motivator for action; you only have to see how political parties and politicians use it to get voters to vote for them.

They are forever telling their ‘target audience’ that some bogeyman is coming to steal their homes, jobs, money, or even family members.

Those bogeymen are immigrants, foreigners, people of a different religion, or people of a different political persuasion.

As with the email informing Andi that a website had harmful toxic links pointing to it, the ‘facts’ about these alleged bogeymen have little or no actual factual substance to them.

Not all fear marketing is bad, though, there is sometimes a grain of truth in what is said and it can make you aware of things that are happening or could happen in the future if you are not paying much attention to what is happening in the world around you.

For example: the retirement age is about to be raised to 67 and could soon be set at 68. It used to be 60 for women and 65 for men.

The state pension age for both men and women is due to rise to 68 between 2044 and 2046 for anyone born on or after 5 April 1977.


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It could be reviewed and brought forward after the next general election which is due soon.

That means that a large amount of the UK population could soon be working longer into their old age and will not get their state pension when they thought they would.

There are a lot of rumours flying around that the state pension could one day be scrapped and that there isn’t enough money in the pot to pay for people as it is, let alone pay for the younger generation.

Much of this is just rumours and guesswork at this stage… but it is currently being talked about, and it could possibly happen. So yes, there is something to be concerned about when I say…

Do you want to run the risk of having to work longer into old age?

And do you want to risk relying on just the state pension to look after you when you get older?

What would you do if one day it was declared that the pot was empty – like Birmingham City Council – and told that you would need to make other arrangements to pay for your living costs?

It may not happen, but do you really want to take that risk?

I don’t know when you are expected to retire, but do you want to be in the position where you are forced to work several years longer?

Do you want to be reliant on a government that could change parties and political ideologies numerous times between now and when you need to retire?

Even if the same political party was to stay in power for the next 30 years, the politicians change and the political priorities will change. It will only be the same party by name.

Former prime minister and passionate diehard Conservative, John Major, has said several times that the Conservative party of today is a completely different one to the one he led all those years ago.

Even he’s not a fan of the current Conservative party… and he is as Conservative as it gets.

So, the idea that you should rely on the state pension to fund your retirement is foolish when you consider how much the ‘state’ and government changes over the years.

To have this idea that the state pension is going to be the one and only constant in life is quite dangerous.

Everyone… and I do mean everyone, should have a second or third form of income, or a large pot of savings to help fund their retirement.

They need something that they control and is not controlled by the constantly changing government.

Parliament and Downing Street do not need gates, they need revolving doors. They’ll let anyone in. You have no idea who’ll be making decisions on your pension next week!

The only person you can trust to control your retirement fund and pension is you.

Certainly not the multi-millionaires and billionaires giving their friends and family tax breaks while forcing you to work longer into old age.

Am I using fear based marketing here or am I just voicing a real concern?

I’d say that I am using the latter. The fear is real and about something that people should be aware of and think carefully about.

There are many ways to fund a retirement, but one of the best is where you create something that can generate a large return for little effort.

Creating information products and writing sales letters to sell those products are two of the best ways to make money.

I say two; they go hand-in-hand.

A simple sales letter can take just a few hours to write, yet it could generate thousands of pounds in sales.

That is money that you created and control.

Thanks to the internet, publishing both information products and their accompanying sales letters has become so easy… even a technophobe with little techy skills can do it.

Write your sales letter in MS Word or Google docs, copy and paste it into a page on a website when it’s finished, then add a payment button to your page.

Once your page is live online you send people to it.

It’s a lot easier than you may think.

No longer do you need to send a sales letter through the post, today you write it, post it online, send people to look at it, and then start on another.

This is the ultimate work-from-anywhere method of making money online.

To discover how you can earn thousands of pounds writing simple sales letters and emails, go to:

One Letter From Retirement

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… Writing sales letters is nothing more than the successful communication of an idea or product to other people.

You just need to know what words to use, where and when to use them, plus what not to say and why.

In One Letter From Retirement, I show you exactly how to successfully and effectively communicate your ideas and products.

Here’s that link again:

One Letter From Retirement

Question: Would You Spend £73,000 Buying A Business Already Passively Earning £2,482 Each Month?

I often get emails informing what new websites have been put up for sale on one of the popular website selling platforms.

One website that was put up for sale was Hey Keto Mama.

As the name suggests, this website focuses on the Keto niche sharing keto diet tips and recipes.

It was listed at $97,000 (£77,000 ATOW) but has been reduced a little to around $92,000 (£73,000 ATOW).

The important information about the website:

  • It is 8 years old.
  • It has a domain authority of 46.
  • It has 148 articles published.
  • Gets 52,052 monthly visitors (Mostly from the US, followed by Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand).
  • It’s earning around $3,129 (£2,482 ATOW) per month.
  • Monetisation methods are Mediavine (shoing adverts) and Amazon (affiliate products).
  • It also comes with an email list of 11,000 subscribers.
  • It has 121,000 followers on Pinterest.
  • It has 23,000 followers on Facebook.
  • It has 1,000 subscribers on YouTube.
  • The Hey Keto Mama is trademarked and is included in the sale.

This isn’t just a website; it is an established online business.

This website was originally valued at 31 times the monthly income, meaning that whoever buys it will earn their investment money back within 3 years at the current income rate.

The website could make more than what it is now because as it currently stands, there are 529 missing affiliate links and 18 out-of-stock items meaning that whoever purchases this website could replace them with new affiliate products.

With over 52,000 monthly visitors, an email list of 11,000 subscribers and tens of thousands more on the social media platforms, this website could be a little goldmine.

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Studies show that a decent and responsive email list should be worth between £0.50 and £1 per person per month, so an email list of 11,000 should generate at least £5,500 per month.

But as I say, that does depend on the quality of the email list and how responsive it is.

The money is made from showing adverts on the website and promoting products for sale on Amazon.

I don’t know if they have ever created their own Keto diet products but if they haven’t, there is a lot of scope here to create eBooks, courses, and run challenges around the Keto diet… and potentially around fasting, too.

They could also possible create a monthly subscription membership which would bring in additional income.

People who are interested in the Keto diet, may also be interested in other food and nutrition related products.

I feel that this website should be making more money than it currently is.

I’m wondering if the owner got bored with it or was just happy to bank a monthly passive income that it generated and do other stuff.

It’s highly likely that this person builds websites to sell and could be working on more like this one.

Now, this could be a fantastic purchase for the right person.

The only concern would be that the income figure has dropped, it used to earn a lot more than the $3,129 it is currently earning, but that drop could be due to the missing 500+ affiliate links not being updated or changed.

It’s also going to be a decent pay day for the person who is selling the website.

There is a lot of money to be made building and selling websites. Many of the people listing websites for sale are making six figures a year just by building and selling websites.

And it doesn’t need to take 8 years to build a website that can be sold for a decent amount of money either.

There are people who are building websites in as little as a few days and selling them for several hundred pounds each… sometimes more.

Using a website builder called WordPress, a person can throw up a basic website in as little as a few minutes.

Sell a handful of those each month and you are making a rather decent amount of money.

I think one day soon I am going to create a more detailed report about this as I see a lot of potential in this as a business model and a way to make money.

Yes, there is a certain degree of work involved and you will need to learn some new skills, but not as much as you may think.

However… if building and selling websites to make money is not for you, then maybe you would prefer The Z15 Easy Profit System.

There isn’t anything too complicated to do, you simply make a couple of checks and decide on what football games you want to places bets on.

You don’t need to wait until the final whistle either; the focus is to get in and out as fast as possible.

Think of yourself as the SAS.

Find the weakness in the game and then get in and out fast taking a profit with you.

To discover more, click the link below:

The Z15 Profit System

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… Thanks to apps and mobile data, this can be done from wherever you are using a smartphone or a tablet.

It takes a few minutes to learn and a few minutes to implement. It is one of the simplest methods we have ever shared.

Here’s that link again:

The Z15 Profit System

This Couple Were Devastated When They Realised THEY Were The Reason They Were Failing!

I was staggered to learn that a couple with young children were spending around £300 a WEEK on takeaway food.

This is while they were living with the husband’s mother so that they could save money for a deposit to buy their own house.

This was revealed on a television show where the popular television presenter and author, Michael Mosley, helped people to develop better eating habits and reverse any health issues bad eating was causing them.

I can’t remember how many years they had been living with the husband’s mother, but I believe it was a few, and according to the mother, the takeaway binging was a regular thing.

Their £300 a week takeaway habit was costing them £15,600 a year… possibly more.

What struck me was the look on the faces of the couple when they realised that they could have had the deposit for a house one or two years ago had they not been wasting it on takeaway food.

They had no idea as to how much money they were spending on takeaways. They were just ordering and eating it whenever they were hungry.

If I remember correctly, there were tears at the realisation that their junk food habit was the reason they hadn’t got a deposit for a house of their own. It’s easy to understand why.

They had become so accustomed and comfortable living with the husband’s mother and eating a tonne of takeaway food, that it far outweighed the mental discomfort of not having their own home.

They might have wanted their own place… but they clearly didn’t want it enough.

They were obviously quite settled to the point that they were not actively focusing on saving money, or on their future.

Their want and need for a home of their own took a backseat and became a mere wish.

Wishing is weak; it is a very poor motivator of action.

I don’t know how much money they needed for a deposit, but if they spent £300 on takeaway food each week – which it appears that they did – and they did that for two years, they have wasted £31,200 which is a HUGE amount of cash.

It would certainly go a long way towards a deposit.

In the right hands, £31,200 would be life changing… in fact it was, it was causing them a lot of unwanted health issues and holding them back.

I hate to keep saying it – but unfortunately it needs saying – a lot of people waste money on things that are considered as part of ‘daily living’, then they complain that they do not have any money spare that could be used to change their circumstances.

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Only today, before starting to write this, I read an article by a woman who was sharing the questions and answer she’d regularly get from people regarding a £2,500 coaching program she was selling.

When people asked how much was needed to invest in the program, over 90% of them would say that either it was too pricey, or they couldn’t afford it.

Her answer to those people was that they could either spend the money investing in their future, or they could keep the money and stay where they are for the foreseeable.

Just like the couple who were living with the husband’s mother, unable to move on because they were not actively focusing on their future, people who think something is too pricey will not see their lives change.

Buying a product is not just ‘buying a product’; it is investing in yourself and making changes to your future.

The woman who wrote the article, she too ‘couldn’t afford to get started’ when she got started.

She nervously dipped into her remaining savings, unsure as to whether she would succeed or not, and spent over £2,500 to learn something which made her £30,000 back in the first six months, and then grew to become a six-figure-a-year business.

Yes, there is a fine line between taking unnecessary risks where you foolishly throw money away and investing in a product or program which will deliver a greater return on your investment.

Knowing one from the other is not particularly easy.

The point is that people do genuinely believe that they cannot afford to do something that could be life changing, yet they waste a small fortune on stuff that does nothing but keep them down, as was the case with the couple trying to save for a deposit for a house.

They could have been living in their new family home by now had they not been constantly gorging themselves on burgers, chips. pizzas, and kebabs.

To change your life or circumstances, you need to take positive action.

You need to be aware of what you are doing each and every day.

Having a good understanding of your habits and knowing what you spend your time and money on most days is powerful.

It is freeing, and it is life changing.

Knowledge Is Power!

Some knowledge you can gain from taking time out to study yourself, ask yourself questions to learn more about what it is that you really want and what is preventing you from getting it.

Other times you need to pay to acquire specific information that can make you move forward in life.

It is a balance of the two.

However, knowledge alone will not change your life. Knowledge may be powerful, but without action, is nothing more than knowing a collection of facts and figures.

Universities, schools, and colleges are full of people who ‘know’ a lot of stuff, but they may not be successful because they never implemented that knowledge in a way that could change their lives beyond sharing that knowledge with others.

Knowledge And Action…

Now That Is Powerful!

It’s OK knowing how to take £100 and double it up to £1.6 million, but without actually taking £100 and getting started… you will not become a millionaire.

Do you know now to double £100 into £1.6 million?


Click the link below to discover how:

Double Your Way To A Million

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… Your future is in your hands. Success rarely happens without you taking action.

Even winning the lottery requires you to buy the ticket. It doesn’t matter whether you know the correct numbers or not, without buying a ticket you will win absolutely nothing.

With How To Double Your Way To A Million you will learn what to do, when to do it, and how.

Business Success Tips I Learned From A Copywriting And Email Marketing Legend.

One of our staff has been reading a book by a popular – and often controversial – email marketer and copywriter, Ben Settle.

Ben has written for Agora, one of the biggest direct mail marketing companies ever, and I believe that he still consults with them to this day.

He has sold millions of dollars worth of products over the years using email and sales letters… but that is not what I want to talk about today.

What I want to specifically talk about is product creation.

The book that is being read is about building Worlds instead of businesses.

Basically, it is about YOU becoming the brand, similar to that of a celebrity, where people become diehard fans and choose to buy from you instead of other people, even if your products are not as good as theirs.

Diehard fans will not even look at other people’s products unless you tell them to (think celebrity endorsement) to see whether they are better than yours or not.

They will buy from you simply because it’s you.

Ben suggests that your focus should be on building a world around you instead of a business because businesses can be ‘cancelled’ or closed down, but people can’t.

Think of people like Nigel Farage.

He may have a business or two, but he himself is now bankable thanks to a following of diehard fans willing to throw money at him to hear what he has to say.

Again, that is not necessarily what I want to talk about, what I want to talk about is the book itself and not the subject matter.

Ben’s book is made up of transcriptions from several talks he has given either at workshops or on calls and podcasts. There are also a few sections which have been taken from a printed newsletter he publishes each month.

Basically, the book is made up from repurposed and pre-published content.

He has created a book that is now for sale on Amazon for under £20. That book is a ‘fishing hook’ reeling in new customers. It is, as he calls it, a ‘door’ to his ‘World’.

This is a cheap book for Ben as he likes to sell his physical books for prices between £200 and £800 each.

It might be cheap because it is simply a collection of transcriptions and an old newsletter. It might be cheaper than his other books because he is using it as a lead magnet to get new customers into his ‘World’.

Another thing that I want to share is that in the book Ben mentions another of his books that took him just 19 days to write, and I believe that to be one of the books he sells for several hundred pounds.

Each book is a separate asset to sell giving him passive income. They are also tools to build his ‘World’.

I want you to think about this for a minute:

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  1. One book is a compilation of transcripts from talks and conversations he had about a specific subject, and a few pages from a newsletter he previously wrote.
  1. The other is a book that took him just 19 days to write.

Both books make him money and are part of a larger portfolio of products he sells.

Does that sound like a lot of hard work?

What is stopping you from ‘manufacturing’ podcasts and workshops by having several conversations with friends and recording them, and then having those recordings transcribed and turned into a book.

Ben is a well-disciplined writer and so writing a book in 19 days may be easy to him.

However, I don’t believe that it’s really that hard for most people, especially not for those who have the time spare.

People working in a job may find 19 days a bit of a push, first time around at least. But for those who have retired, 19 days is plenty of time to get an information product created.

Information products are not novels; they do not need to be several hundred pages long. An information product that teaches something specific can be as short as a dozen pages.

What is important is the information within its pages and how much that information can change a person’s life.

We have sold information products that are as little as 12 pages long that showed people how to make money doing something specific.

The method isn’t complicated and doesn’t have many working parts and so it didn’t require a lot of pages. There is no way we could make the book longer even if we tried.

Once the method was laid out in a way that could be understood by everyone, the work was done.

The method or information that you want to share will dictate how long the book is.

When you understand that, you can create a sellable product in mere days.

The faster you get your product to market, the sooner you can start making money.

Discover more by clicking the link below:

The 30 Day To £30K Challenge

Once created, digital products and information products can be sold for years meaning that a few hours work could be worth thousands of pounds to you.

Wouldn’t you like to earn thousands of pounds for just a few hours work?

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… Take yourself away from people and it is possible to create a product within a day… a product that you can sell that will make you money for many years to come.

An End Of An Era: Saying Goodbye To A Popular Pastime

Many years ago I read about a guy who created a website about the model railway niche which he then sold for a lot of money.

If memory serves me well, I think it was over $100,000 which is around £78,370 today. I’ve no idea what the UK figure would be then, it was over ten years ago.

I’ve always said that focusing on specific niches are good when it comes to building an online business, especially if that niche is evergreen meaning that people will buy products for many years.

Building model railways and playing with model trains has been a hobby enjoyed by young and old for many years, but it seems that it is now had its day.

I saw a headline last week which stated that a model shop in Liverpool was set to close because the number of people interested in buying model railway sets and parts had dropped to the point that the shop was no longer making a profit.

This is a good example that the likes and tastes of society change overtime, and that even something that has been a firm favourite for generations, must sadly come to an end.

What was once the must-have toy for young boys is no longer wanted by children today.

In a digital world of high definition CGI animation and computer games that have you questioning reality, model trains simply cannot compete. They can’t get a look in.

Why would children want to watch a train go round and round on a track when they can get lost in Star Wars and fly an X Wing fighter engaging in exciting dog-fights in space battling the evil Empire?

Children can escape the real world and immerse themselves into a plethora of magical and fantastical worlds.

A model train clickerty-clacking around a track just isn’t exciting to the new generations.

They would rather be attending Hogwarts having magical adventures fighting monsters and fantastical beasts than playing with a train.

The most excitement you can get with a model railway is when you swap a passenger train with a goods train… oh wait, no… I forget…

The most excitement you can get with a model railway is when a model car or model person falls onto the track and you have to quickly switch the train from one track to another to avoid a terrible accident.

So, yes, if you want to build a business around a niche topic, I do suggest that you find an evergreen subject to work in… but also be aware that times change and some popular and long-lasting niches will eventually come to an end.

I’m not saying that there aren’t people who still buy and play with model railways, there may even be a few young children doing it, but those people are getting older and will soon die out.

It could soon be nothing more than something that is shown in museums and documentaries about a bygone age. It may soon be confined to history.


There is something that I believe will be popular forever…

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Sports and Gambling

Obviously, countries change over the years, empires and superpowers come and go, so it is possible that humans or countries may evolve to the point that gambling is frowned upon by the majority and banned, but I don’t foresee that happening any time soon.

Humans have been gambling since they learned that they could.

I imagine Neanderthal hunters would bet nuts and berries with each other on whether Groc would slay the sabre-toothed tiger before Grunt, or vice versa.

Gambling seems to be part of human nature.

Don’t ask me why, I don’t know.

Some people enjoy the buzz of gambling more than the actual winning, whereas others prefer to use it as a way to make easy money.

The people who like to use gambling as a way to make easy money, do so by using a system.

Systems turn gambling from a game of chance to something that has a greater probability of succeeding.

For example, a game of chance would be to have a two-car race with matching Lamborghinis that both have new identical engines and are driven by twins who have the same record of driving success.

There’s no way of knowing which car is going to cross the finish line first.

But what if the race was between a brand new highly tuned Lamborghini driven by The Stig, and a clapped-out Fiat Doblo driven by a cautious 79-year-old woman who enjoys a small whiskey to steady her nerves before she hits the road?

You now have a good idea as to who is going to win.

Yes, life can occasionally throw curveballs that can derail winners.

The Lamborghini could suffer an unexpected and rare tyre blow-out or engine failure, the driver may suddenly be taken ill, or a deer runs out in front of the car causing it to crash.

But… they would be incredibly unfortunate and hard to predict.

So yes, there will be times when the expected outcome doesn’t happen, but it is the exception and not the rule.

Systems work out what the rule is, and they capitalise on them.

And that is what you will discover in the Z15 Easy Profit System.

The Z15 Easy Profit System recognises which are the best football games to bet on.

There isn’t anything too complicated to do, you simply make a couple of checks and decide on what football games you want to places bets on.

You don’t need to wait until the final whistle either; the focus is to get in and out as fast as possible.

Think of yourself as the SAS.

Find the weakness in the game and then get in and out fast taking a profit with you.

To discover more, click the link below:

The Z15 Profit System

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… Thanks to apps and mobile data, this can be done from wherever you are using a smartphone or a tablet. It takes a few minutes to learn and a few minutes to implement. It is one of the simplest methods we have ever shared.

Here’s that link again:

The Z15 Profit System

How Eating Less Food Made This Woman More Money… And I’m Not Talking About Saving On Grocery Bills!

I don’t know if the name Ellie Pear means anything to you, but it is the name of a journalist and Instagram influencer who was brought to my attention the other day.

Like so many social media influencers, she does a lot of food and lifestyle related posts.

I don’t know much about her other than what I want to share with you today, which is…

She is the author of a bestselling book about fasting.

Fasting is all the rage at the moment, and with good reason.

All of the scientific studies show that fasting is good for most people.

I would say that it is good for all humans as it basically mimics the conditions early hunter-gatherer humans had to endure – long periods without food – but I do know that it isn’t good for people with eating disorders, pregnant women, and a few other conditions.

Fasting for long periods of time allows the body to go into periods of ketosis – a state where the body begins to use fat as fuel, and autophagy – a state where the body clears out old and decaying cells and replaces them with healthier new cells.

Basically, fasting helps people to ‘repair’.

Modern humans have become so used to having constant access to food, they eat far more than they need and with a lot of people regularly eating throughout the day, they are not giving their body time to rest and repair itself.

Their bodies are constantly working on the food they are consuming and so sugar and carbohydrates are not being fully burnt off and is being converted into fat and put into storage ready for those periods where food is not available.

The more they eat, the more fat is produced because they are not allowing the body to burn up that excess stored fuel.

Society and human intelligence may have evolved a lot over the last couple of thousand years, but our bodies haven’t. They still work the same way as they did for our hunter-gathering ancestors.

The human body took tens of thousands of years to develop into the machine that it is, it would take tens of thousands more for it to adapt to the way people live today.

Contrary to popular belief, the human body does not work in the same thermodynamics as a motor.

When you put fuel in your car it burns the fuel and moves. Once the fuel is gone the car comes to a stop and will not move until more fuel is put into the system.

The human body does not work in the same way. It processes fuel differently.

It uses up some of the fuel (food) that is added, and the rest is converted into fat and put into storage. This stored fat is designed to allow animals and hunter-gatherers to be able to carry on during periods without food.

Humans do not suddenly ‘conk-out’ when they don’t eat, their bodies start to use the fuel stored in their bodies.

It would be a terrible design if we humans came to a crashing halt when the food was all burnt up. Humans and animals need an ‘extra’ tank of stored fuel as a failsafe to allow them to go out and find more food when they need it.

This is why the calorie in and calorie out method of dieting doesn’t work. Calorie counting is a flawed science.

Not only that, a calorie is a measurement of energy and so if you burn a piece of wood, you will realise that it too has calories.

Would you eat wood?

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No, of course not.


Because wood will give the body nothing that it needs, whereas eating a piece of broccoli will.

It’s not the amount of calories that is the issue; it is the property of the material that matters. In the same way that 1 metre of rubber is different to 1 metre of steel

200 calories of broccoli would be better for your body than 200 calories of sugar.

What you eat is far more important than how much you eat.

Yes, eating 4,000 calories of broccoli each day is far too much and will do you no good in a similar way to drinking too much water.

We need water, but drink too much and you wash away important salts and nutrients and that can lead to a whole host of problems including death.

Anyway… I am digressing a little here.

Going back to Ellie Pear, what I wanted to talk about in this article is that she wrote a book about her experience on the 5:2 diet made popular by television presenter and science journalist, Michael Mosley.

This is a diet where you feast for 5 days, and then you fast for 2 days.

It’s not strictly fasting as you are reducing your daily food amount to just 800 calories, but by eating a smaller amount of food in a shorter time frame, it allows the body to start using some of the stored fat as fuel.

It also allows the body time to rest and repair itself.

What I want you to think about is that Ellie Pear’s book, and Michael Mosley’s book, are about the exact same thing.

I don’t know how much science and research she incorporates in her book, but she approaches the same topic using her own personal experience.

She gave the book a different name and gave it a different angle. But for all intents and purposes… they both cover the same topic; the 5:2 diet.

And this is something that anyone can do.

Sharing your own personal story along with information that is readily available, like much of what has been shared in this article, is a great way of creating your own product.

No one can take away your own story, and if the additional information is in the public domain and factual, that too cannot be taken away from you.

All you need to do is write it in your own words and present it in your own way.

Several television shows, Call The Midwife being one of them, were commissioned from books that written by people who shared their real life experiences.

So the question is… what is your story?

What can you share with the world?

Your true life stories and experiences could become a profitable income stream for you.

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… If you found the information and ideas in this article interesting, you will really love our popular Streetwise Confidential newsletter.

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  • How To Build A Six-Figure-A-Year Business Without Spending A Penny Of Your Own Money!Follow the step by step blueprint to building a six-figure-a-year online business.


  • The Incredibly Profitable Power Of Networking!Discover how networking and meeting people can put thousands of pounds into your pocket.


  • Will This Change The Way People Make Money Online?AI is here, and it’s changing the way we make money!


  • How One Woman Generated $120,000 In Passive Income In Just 9 Months Working Only 5 Hours Per Week! – Discover how one woman made $120,000 in passive income in nine months and now works only 5 hours per week!


  • How Tall Tales Of Tall Aliens Can Give You A Lifetime Of Cash!Read how one man is making a passive income from telling ‘tall tales’ of tall aliens he claims to have met while working for the US military.


  • How A Bagel Slicer Could Earn You Hundreds Of Thousands Of Pounds!Discover how one woman missed out making hundreds of thousands of pounds after the video of her using it went viral!


  • The Semi-Passive Income Book Club – £16,579 Per Month From Just One 20 Page BookRead how one man was making £16,597 each month publishing one new 20 page book.


  • It’s A Simple Case Of Sharing LinksDiscover how people are making tens of thousands of pounds each month sharing ‘other people’s links’!

Here’s that link again:

Two Free Copies Of Streetwise Confidential

Could Hiring An Office For A Day Help You Make Thousands Of Pounds Fast?

Working from home is the dream for many people, I mean, why wouldn’t it be…

  • You get to work from the place you feel comfortable in.
  • You are close to the kitchen where you can have food and drink on tap.
  • You avoid all of the soul crushing office politics.
  • You avoid all of the time-wasting chatting that happens at work.
  • You work when you want.
  • You can be close to family should they need you.

That last line sounds great, being close to family is one of the main reasons for people choosing to work from home… but it can also be a problem at times.

Unless you have set good boundaries and have a family who respects the fact that to need to be left to work, or have a workspace that is close but far enough away from your nearest and dearest to not hear them, being so close to family can be distracting.

Not only can you have family wandering in to your workspace to ask questions and talk to you about stuff that isn’t relevant at that time, they can be doing stuff around the property that is ‘noisy’.

  • Children playing can be noisy.
  • Teenagers listening to music or watching television can be noisy.
  • Cooking and cleaning can be noisy… especially if the person cooking or cleaning listens to music while they work.

How much noise affects you is largely based on who you are and the work you do.

Some tasks can be done relatively easy with some background noise; others are best done when it’s quiet.

Anything that requires you to really focus and produce a lot of work will require quiet.

Creating podcasts, videos, and digital products to sell is best done without noise or people interrupting you.

In a previous article I talked about going away for a night or two to a hotel or an Airbnb so that you can work undisturbed on projects…

Another option is to rent an office space for the day.

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With advancements in technology and the Covid pandemic revealing that a lot of office workers can work from home, more and more offices have become vacant meaning that there is a surplus of empty offices that can be let on a short term basis.

I don’t know if many landlords have realised that there could be a call for day rentals, but I see potential here.

Offering office space hire on a day rate could mean that they make money from their empty spaces without having long term contracts which a lot of people no longer need.

For content creators, renting an office for one day a week or a month can be more than enough for them.

They do not need an office space for everyday of the week.

A good example of this is if you wanted to create video training as part of a product to sell, or record a series of podcasts to publish as a way to build a following.

Renting an office space where you can work away from family and distractions would allow you to concentrate fully on what you need to do and produce more content in less time.

For some people, just knowing that someone is wandering around outside their room can put them off while recording a video or a podcast. Their thinking is distracted as they listen to see if they are likely to bust in and start talking to them.

Working from home can be similar to working in an office full of people, you may be there for eight hours per day, but with all of the chatting that goes on between workers – or with family members in this case, you probably only do five or six hours worth of work.

Hiring an office space means that you are free from the disruptions and distractions of home and family and could mean that you have a product ready to sell a lot sooner than if you did it at home.

Renting an office for a day or two could also be cheaper and quieter than working at a hotel for the day. That depends on where the office is of course and whether there are other adjacent offices that are also being used.

Old hotels can often have paper thin walls which are no good for when you want to be quiet, plus, you don’t know who you will get in the neighbouring rooms or the one directly above.

Even the modern hotels with soundproofing can still be noisy with people walking up and down the corridors all day, and heavy doors ‘thudding’ shut every few minutes.

Renting an office for the day could really ramp up your efforts and allow you to get a lot of work done.

As I mentioned earlier, just having family milling around outside your home office, not knowing whether they are going to come and talk to you while you work, can disturb your thinking.

Disturbed thinking means that your productivity is affected.

One of the rules to success is to get products out to market quickly.

In many cases, that means putting the less-than-perfect version out (known as the beta version), and then improve and upgrade it later.

This also allows you to get vital feedback from customers and make any improvements and corrections that are needed.

Waiting for things to be perfect can mean that by the time you release your finished product, you either missed the market, or you have lost a lot of money.

Obviously, if the product is software that is doing a vitally important job – like balancing the day’s takings at post offices, then the beta version really needs to be virtually watertight and any bugs and fixes required need to be nothing major. (Fujitsu take note!)

Imagine that you spent a whole day in an office recording videos for a product and that you managed to record all that you needed, and get most, if not all of the videos edited (any unfinished editing can be done back at home) you could potentially get the product finished and released to the market within a few days.

Whereas doing it at home with people milling around you and popping in to talk could mean that you are still recording videos a week later… maybe longer.

As I say, it does depend on what boundaries you set and whereabouts you work in your home.

You may be completely out of the way and left to your own devices, which is great, but if you are struggling to get much done because of disruptions and distractions, hiring an office for a few days to allow you do the bulk of the work may be just what you need.

Remember, sometimes you need to spend money to make money.

If hiring an office for a couple of days at £200 meant that you got your £97… £197… £297 product up online and ready for people to buy within a week, you will be earning that money back… and a whole lot more besides.

As the saying goes…

Money Loves Speed!

The sooner you get products online for people to buy, the quicker you can earn back any money invested and start to make a profit… and profit is what it is all about.

The good news is that if you are able to remove disruptions and distractions, products can be created quickly and listed online to sell.

In this video, How To Create Profitable Content Quickly, Andi, our techy guy, shows you how to quickly create content that you can sell.

That content could be added to your own website as a standalone product or part of an ongoing monthly membership product by simply adding it to a webpage that is accessed only through a Stripe payment button on a sales page.

When someone buys your product through your Stripe payment button on the sales page, they are automatically sent to the product page once the payment is processed.

It is fully automatic and completely passive.

Other than send people to your sales pages, you don’t need to do anything more once the product and sales page are in place.

To discover how you can create multiple fully automatic passive income systems of your own, click the link below:

The 30 Day To £30K Challenge

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… Depending on what your product is and is about, it could take less than a day to create and put live online ready to make sales.

Why Is Instagram Tarot And Reiki Spamming OK But Promoting Make Money Products Is Frowned Upon?

This is a conversation I have had many times… why is it that social media platforms are OK with people selling and performing online tarot card readings and reiki healing, but have a big problem with people selling make money products?

Firstly, there is no evidence that tarot cards actually predict the future, mainly because a person’s own future is dependent mostly on what they do each day.

Secondly, reiki healing, if it works – there’s no evidence to say that it does, is even more unlikely to work when performed miles away and over the internet.

The truth is this… tarot reading and reiki healing do not work, and to charge people to have them done online is the definition of scamming people.

Many alternative healing therapies and spiritual practices are the real ‘snake oil’ that is being sold today.

Whereas money, that is real… and people need it in order to live and survive in society.

Teaching people how to make money is not only good, it is in fact what all education is about if we are to be really honest with ourselves.

When Andi, our techy guy, went to college to learn to be a carpenter and joiner, it was so that he could earn money with those skills.

A fresh out-of-school teenager who goes to catering college to learn how to cook, generally goes so that they can find work and potentially open up their own food related business.

Hairdressers… they learn how to cut and dress hair so that they can…?

That’s right, earn a living.

What they were taught were a set of skills which would allow them to… earn and make money!

Very few people go and learn skills for just fun… and if they do, they are usually later on in life when they can afford to pay £90 to spend four hours at a high street coffee shop learning how to make the perfect coffee.

Even then, some of the people who do a course such as learning how to make a barista-quality cup of coffee do it with the idea of possibly opening their own coffee shop.

For the most part, all education is about gearing yourself up to make money from a specific career.

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Yes, people may choose to do something they enjoy such as cooking or hairdressing, but they are still thinking about a ‘career’ where they expect to spend years working as a way to ‘make money’.

So, with that in mind, selling products that teach people to make money should not be seen in the bad light that they often are.

Yes, some people have been scammed and have lost a lot of money. When you lose a lot of money it can be really damaging to your life.

A couple of years ago, the ‘money’ mentoring and coaching company, Lighthouse, was forcibly closed down by the courts because it acted like a cult taking thousands of pounds from the people who signed up.

In several cases they even had members sell their houses to continually fund their placements.

Members moved into ‘group’ houses where they lived together and worked together to record the teachings of the ‘leader’ type chap who was happily banking millions of pounds.

Some members lost homes and family because of following the advice from the conman at the top.

It was more dodgy than the winner of The Most Dodgy-est Thing In The History Of Dodgy Things contest.

So yes, it can and does happen.

I guess the reason that tarot reading and online reiki healing is accepted is that there is little to no harm done when a person receives it. They are just a few pounds less… and I don’t mean weight-wise.

However, there is some argument as to whether there is some psychological harm done by selling something that is basically a ‘lie’ that doesn’t actually work, but it’s not life and family destroying like debt can be.

The other side of the coin though are the success stories from people who have taken a course or bought a make-money product and gone on to make a life-changing amount of money by implementing all that they had learned… more on this later.

Surely they count and should be given the respect they deserve?

Sadly, it seems that it is easier to just tar everyone in the make money online industry with the same brush.

It is a legitimate industry.

It’s wrong to insist that selling make money products and programs is in any way unethical because that it is what all education is geared around… learning skills so that you can earn money to live and survive.

It’s just that we are more honest about it.

Money is the only constant in everyone’s life. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you are, or what your personal belief is… you need money to live. Even the most remote self-sufficient hermit will need money for one or two things at some time in their lives.

Very often, those who say they don’t need money don’t realise that their lives are dependent on it too; it’s just that they are using other people’s money.

The Dalai Lama is a prime example of this, he may not earn an actual wage, and he may not have his own bank account, but whenever he travels to another country to spread his message someone is paying for the flights, transport, food, and hotels.

The Dalai Lama has many books out so I image even he is banking money somewhere.

The more money you have, the more you can do, and the better choices and decisions you can make.

Making money is something we all have to do and to learn how to make more is in no way a bad thing, it is a form of self-love and self-respect.

It is a gift that you should give to yourself.

As the saying goes:

Knowledge Is Power

And so is money.

Money gives you the power to avoid a lot of hardships. It allows you to avoid working in specific jobs, and avoid working with certain people.

Money = Freedom

Both money and knowledge need to be accumulated, and the accumulation of one leads to the other.

Knowledge helps you earn more money, and having money helps you to learn more and experience more which is essentially becoming more knowledgeable.

The knowledge needed to make more money is right here…How To Double Your Way To A Million.

This is a plan that was set out to turn ordinary people into millionaires… and it has succeeded many times.

Two of the people who have become millionaires thanks to using this plan, Barry Tyler and Stuart Goldsmith, created this home-study course to pass on their knowledge and experience.

They have laid out every step of the plan in great detail.

Read it, implement what you learn, and you could soon be enjoying your own million pound windfall.

Discover more here:

Double Your Way To A Million

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… Your future is in your hands. Success rarely happens without you first doing something. Even winning the lottery requires you to buy the ticket and pick the numbers.

With How To Double Your Way To A Million you will learn what to do, when to do it, and how.

More Cost-of-living Bad News!

Recently I watched a short video on social media put out by popular celebrity chef, Simon Rimmer.

In the video he shared the sad news that he had been forced to close one of his restaurants due to increases in rent, food prices, and energy costs.

The sad thing about this is that it was Simon’s first restaurant, which helped put him on the road to success.

Fortunately for Simon, he has other restaurants that are staying open. Good news for him, not such good news for the staff who now find themselves unemployed.

This just goes to show you that no one’s safe from the cost-of-living crisis. Especially those lower down on the chain, such as Simon’s staff.

If a successful restaurateur, author, and television presenter cannot keep his flagship restaurant open, then it has to be bad.

It makes you wonder how much the landlord has increased the rent by.

I believe that was the biggest factor in the decision to close the restaurant because his other restaurants would have had to deal with the same (or similar) food and energy price increases yet hasn’t closed them… yet.

Maybe the number of customers had dropped for that specific restaurant, which is really going to affect the chances of surving the increased costs.

I imagine that Simon would have tried to keep it going for as long as possible and probably used the other restaurants and his television work to prop it up for as long he could, but you cannot keep throwing money at something that has stopped working.

Sadly, Simon’s restaurant is just another victim of the current cost-of-living crisis that has been plaguing the country.

I share this story to show that it is affecting people from all walks of life.

Simon Rimmer isn’t a person that I imagine is having to choose between whether he eats or heats his home, but he is still being blighted by the current price increases that is happening across the board.

Restaurants come and go… businesses fail… but usually because the demand for what they are selling is no longer there. Being forced to close a restaurant because of price increases that are affecting all of society is actually quite sad.

It also makes you wonder how bad it can be for those who are not in Simon’s lofty position, like the staff of the restaurant that have since been laid off.

I think Simon has tried to absorb some people into other parts of his business, but you can’t find a place for everyone. You can’t simply put people into a position that doesn’t require them without causing other issues with other staff.

By taking on more staff to do the work that is already being done by other people would mean cutting the hours of those already doing the job… which is not going to be good for them if they too are struggling with the current high living costs.

The other problem is that staff living in one city probably cannot afford to travel or move to another town or city to work another low-ish paid job.

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I once shared with you the story of a woman who was struggling afford to live in a cheap area of Bristol even though that was where her job was. She was being priced out of her small bedsit and forced to consider leaving Bristol and lose her job.

The problem with that is that as soon as she quits her job, she would have no money coming in to pay rent for another property in another part of the country.

Basically she couldn’t afford to quit and move… and she couldn’t afford to work and stay.

The only option she had at that time was to move back in with her parents, which was quite depressing considering that she wasn’t actually failing in life personally.

She wasn’t dependant on drink or drugs, she wasn’t just out of prison, she wasn’t unemployed… she was a working person who enjoyed her job and enjoyed living in Bristol.

But thanks to the increased rent, food, and energy costs, she could no longer afford to live and work in Bristol.

That is worrying.

And it is the reason why I have been saying for many years that you should only rely on yourself.

You should never rely on a wage, you should never rely on an employer, you should never rely on a landlord, and you should never rely on the government.

You can only rely on yourself.

If your costs are X amount each month, then you need to earn X… and X again.

The biggest problem with most people is that they take jobs and then get stuck in them.

The problem is made worse by the fact that people need money and they often need it quickly and so they take whatever work comes their way and before you know it… years have passed.

Very few people take the time to figure out how much they need (or want), and then plan on how they are going to earn that amount without giving up too much of their own life.

Circumstances rob people of that freedom to decide how they make money… for the most part.

You can decide to work on something in your spare time, and contrary to belief, people have more spare time than they care to admit. People watch more television and spend time on social media than they realise. That is time they could use more productively.

It might not be easy when you have family or dependants requiring your time and attention, but most people can still find an hour or two here and there to work on something that can earn them more money and eventually replace that first income.

And it doesn’t all have to be hard work.

John Banks is a numbers and stats man; he loves nothing more than figuring out systems that use information that is overlooked by most people.

He recently developed the Easy As 123 System which takes readily-available information – that most people ignore – and turns it into easy profits using Betfair.

As the name applies, the system is easy to do. You simply check a few tables, then place a few bets on a few specific horses

There’s another profitable advantage to be had right now with it being the middle of winter, and that is that most of the horse races are currently run on jump tracks, a track favoured by John as they are the most profitable for him.

Discover more by clicking the link below:

Easy As 1-2-3

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

P.S… You can started right away with just £100 and after 6 months, you could be sitting on a decent tax free £12,800!

Here’s that link again:

Easy As 1-2-3

Warren Buffett’s 10 Rules To Becoming Incredibly Wealthy

As I’m sure you know, Warren Buffett is an incredibly wealthy man. The reason he is so wealthy is that he started buying stocks and shares at an early age.

Story goes that while his friends were buying the latest hot cars on hire purchase, and spending the remainder of their wages on wine, women, and song, Buffett was buying stocks and shares with whatever money was left after paying his living costs.

Only yesterday I read about a guy who had made millions by the time he was 24 years old after going full-on monk mode, as he called it, for a couple of years.

Now, I’m not going to suggest that you go full-on monk mode yourself and hide away from the world completely, but it seems we can learn something here, and that is…

The distractions of society can be incredibly costly to your future wealth.

Reducing the amount of fun stuff you do can have a positive effect on your wealth… which can ultimately lead you to enjoying more of the fun stuff later.

Also, it’s important to remember that the amount of time required doesn’t need to be that long.

For the person who works smart and works hard, a few months of full-on monk mode could be life changing.

Wealth is grown through knowing certain things and taking action on that knowledge.

According to Buffett, there are 10 things that poor people do that he avoids at all costs and they are:

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Avoid Incurring Debt For Depreciating Assets: “Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.” Buffett emphasises the importance of saving first and avoiding debt, especially for items that lose value over time.

As I mentioned earlier, while his friends were buying brand new cars on the HP that lost value as soon as they left the garage forecourt, Buffett drove a cheap second hand car.

Avoid Frivolous Spending: “If you buy things you do not need, soon you will have to sell things you need.” This speaks to the danger of impulsive or unnecessary purchases.

Even small purchases can be dangerous to your finances. A £2 coffee treat at a high street coffee shop is nothing on its own, but do it several times a week (I know some people who do it daily) and it will add up to a lot of money quite soon.

Avoid High-Interest Debt: Buffett advises against expensive debt. Paying high interest on credit cards or loans can significantly drain financial resources.

I also recommend avoiding necessary long-term high interest debt, but if you were purchasing something that would lead you to make more money quickly but have no other way of finding the money, then the debt becomes leveraging a short-term loan which is not a bad thing… just as long as you pay off the debt as soon as possible.

Invest In A Second Income: “Never depend on a single income. Invest to create a second source.” Buffett stresses the importance of investing to build wealth and not just relying on one income.

A second income stream is a must even if it is just for security in case you lose your main income. A second income stream should at least match the amount you make from your main source of money.

Avoid Developing Expensive Habits: Buffett is known for his frugal lifestyle. Avoiding costly habits, like excessive dining out or luxury items, living within your means can lead to significant savings.

Sadly, one of the biggest causes of struggle with young people today is that they spend what they cannot afford. Granted, that is easier today than it ever has been.

Living costs are astronomical at the moment, but I’ve heard a lot of young people complain that they cannot afford XYZ only to go out and spend £120 on a haircut or £400 on a new tattoo!

Get Insured: Buffett understands the value of risk management with him being someone deeply involved in the insurance business. Not having adequate insurance can be a costly mistake.

Become Penny Wise, Pound Foolish: Buffett believes in value, not just cheapness. Sometimes, buying the cheapest item as a way to save money can be a false economy as you will ultimately need to buy more of it.

Cheap shoes can wear out quicker than a more expensive pair and it is possible that a person trying to save money ends up paying more buying several pairs of shoes than someone who pays for a dearer pair of shoes which last.

Become Financially Educated: “Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.” Buffett’s success is partly due to his deep understanding of finance and investment.

A risk without adequate information and an understanding of what you are doing isn’t a risk; it is foolishly throwing your money away.

Risks should only be a calculated risk meaning that you have learned all there is to know about the subject before deciding to make your move.

Plan for the Future: Buffett is a proponent of long-term thinking in investing and personal finance.

You cannot control the future fully, but you can shape it and prepare for it. Every pound that you save, earn, and invest today means more pounds available later in life.

Embrace The Power Of Compounding: “Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” Understanding and utilising the power of compounding interest is critical to financial growth.

Compounding feeds on itself. The more you have, the more you can make, and the more you make, the more you have…. and the more you have, the more you can make, etc.

For example:

5% interest on £1,000 is £50 giving you £1,050.

5% interest on £1,050 is £50.50 giving you £1,102.50

5% interest on £1,102.50 is £55.125 giving you £1,157.62

5% interest on £1,157.625 is £57. 88125 giving you £1,215.50

Compounding is a fantastic tool for creating wealth, but there is one tool better, and that is to double your money.

Starting with just £100, it takes only 14 doublings to make £1.6 million.

Hard to believe, but it is true…

£100 doubles into £200.

£200 doubles into £400.

£400 doubles into £800.

£800 doubles into £1,600.

£1,600 doubles into £3,200.

And so on.

The first few doublings can be easy, buy something for £100 and sell it for £200 and then use that £200 to buy something that you sell for £400.

It gets a little more difficult and complicated as you begin to make more money.

But there is a specific plan that shows you exactly what you need to do on each step of the way.

That plan is called How To Double Your Way To A Million, and you can take a look at it here:

Double Your Way To A Million

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… Several multimillionaires have successfully used this plan to become wealthy; two of them will show you everything you need to do in How To Double Your Way To A Million.

Both Barry Tyler and Stuart Goldsmith lay out everything they did to make over £1 million. Follow their step-by-step lead and you too could become a millionaire.