All posts by Streetwise


Despite being a million times thinner than a human hair, graphene is 200 times stronger than steel. It is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity, making it suitable for electronic circuits; it is also extremely flexible, transparent, and can be made water resistant.

The EU has a specialised graphene project, which aims to bring graphene into the market from the laboratory. It is one of Europe’s biggest ever research initiatives, coordinating over 150 academic and industrial research groups in more than 20 countries, with over 31 partnering projects. The project has estimated the market is worth €100m a year at least, and that figure could climb to €550m by 2025.

From computer chips to aerospace applications to military capabilities to new super-powerful batteries, graphene is the perfect and transformative material of the future.

However, it is proving incredibly difficult to produce graphene in industrial quantities, with researchers making a maximum of a few grams of the stuff, and quality control being poor.

So is it all just a flighty wish, and nothing real or practical? Will it ever be possible to make graphene of good enough quality in commercial quantities, or is the technology just going to stay a fairy-tale? We can perhaps draw comfort from the story of silicon, which was first isolated in 1824 by Jacob Berzelius, a Swedish chemist. The very first silicon transistor wasn’t made until 1954. And the first  personal computers powered by circuits containing silicon chips weren’t seen until around 1977.

Despite graphene’s many excellent qualities, the graphene industry (which resembles a fevered worldwide gold-rush in its current state) currently does nothing for the investor’s pocked. Note, too, that the Financial Conduct Authority, the City regulator, maintains a ‘Graphene investment Scams’ warning page.

Quote Of The Day

“If you carry your childhood with you, you never become older.”

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Tom Stoppard

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?.”       


George Carlin 

The companies to keep an eye on.

Graphene makers don’t seem to be the best bets currently, but over the next decade or with a breakthrough things could shift.

Applied Graphene Materials specialises in producing anti-corrosion coatings, along with composites and inks. It is still lossmaking, however. Indeed, its operating losses increased in the year to the end of July, and revenue fell by a third. But it has a new CEO, which may improve matters. Other tips for promising companies include Hexcel, and Japan’s Toray Industries, both of which at least make money.

For a similar speculative punt, you could do worse than try Aixtron, a profitable German company in the same sub-sector. Aixtron came out of Aachen University in 1983 and has been investigating the use of graphene in semiconductors in association with the EU’s Graphene Partnership. Its latest machines enable it to produce single-layer graphene coatings on metal foils and wafers. It has no debt and made a pre-tax profit of €74.7m in the first three-quarters of 2019 on revenues of €184.6m.

Today’s National Day

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“How To Beat This Crisis!”

Dear Streetwise Customer,

By any measure, the last few months have been traumatic.

I’m not going to dwell on the details – you’re already being bombarded with the negative news from all angles and it feels like there’s no escape.

You know what’s happening…but maybe you don’t know what to do about it.

The scale and duration of the   health risk remains uncertain, but the economic impact is likely to be felt much more widely and be much longer lasting. Anyone running a pub, restaurant, café, bar or any other kind of hospitality or events business faces an uncertain future – as does anyone whose business relies on face to face interaction with their fellow humans. In fact this is likely to have a knock-on impact on businesses we haven’t even thought about yet.

And  yet  those  people – just  like  everyone  else –  needs  to  continue making money.

They need to keep a roof over their head, food on the table and be in position to go again when all this ends and we get back to normal.

What if there was a way to make as   much  money as  you  need (and  a great  deal  more) without leaving home – one which can not only  survive the crisis we’re currently experiencing, but actually thrives from it?

If you were to design a money  making  strategy  from  scratch  to  take
advantage of   the  circumstances  we’re  currently  experiencing,  this  is exactly what you’d come up with – a business where…


How do I know this is perfect for now? 

Because the guy who developed it is something of a recluse.

He started self-isolating years ago before it became a thing, and has run this business from the top of a French mountain, from a remote Swedish farm and from the wilds of northern Scotland.

If you’re looking for an insurance  policy  that  will  enable  you  to  make money without leaving home to steer you through this crisis and beyond, I can genuinely think of nothing which fits the bill more closely.

Take a look now and respond today.  In every crisis, there are opportunities.

Even if you’ve looked at doing something like this before and decided against, think again. Now is the time.

Click HERE for more information

Kind Regards,

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John Harrison

  P.S Uncertain and volatile times are precisely when this works best. 
         What other opportunity can you say that about?     

What’s The Price

In pre-internet days life was a lot simpler – or so it seemed. You asked the price of something and that was the price you’d pay. Once a year, companies would have a price hike, and then in January, they’d have a sale. What went up only came down in annual sale, and what came down in the sale – stayed down.

The travel and hotels companies were the first to lead the way with more flexible pricing. Through complex computer algorithms, they are able to constantly adjust their prices up and down in response to seasonality, timing and fluctuating demand. Now companies in other fields are following suit. For example, according to consumer price research firm Decide.Inc, a GE microwave ovens price was changed nine times in just one day by it’s seller last month in response to market forces. Prices ranged from $744 to $871.

Now we don’t all have access to the technology that makes this kind of thing automatic (I know that I don’t) but it certainly gives food for thought. How could you introduce a little mutually beneficial price flexibility into your business?

Quote Of The Day

“The best revenge is massive success.”

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Frank Sinatra

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“The second day of a diet is always easierthan the first. By the second day you’re off it.”       

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Buddy Hackett

Old Guys(and Gal’s) Rule!  

Judging by the correspondence I receive, the age spread of our customers is definitely skewed towards the middle and upper end. This has always surprised me because it’s supposed to be the young who are entrepreneurial and ambitious. But a piece of research I just read suggests I shouldn’t be surprised at all.

According to a survey by the Kauffman Foundation, Americans aged 55 to 64 start new business ventures at a higher rate than any other age group, including twenty-somethings. Twenty three percent of new entrepreneurs are now aged 55 to 64. That’s up from 14% fifteen years ago.

I still hear from people in their forties and fifties who feel like they’ve missed the boat. The truth is that it’s never too late, and an increasing number of people are discovering that.

Today’s National Day

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“How To Beat This Crisis!”

Dear Streetwise Customer,

By any measure, the last few months have been traumatic.

I’m not going to dwell on the details – you’re already being bombarded with the negative news from all angles and it feels like there’s no escape.

You know what’s happening…but maybe you don’t know what to do about it.

The scale and duration of the   health risk remains uncertain, but the economic impact is likely to be felt much more widely and be much longer lasting. Anyone running a pub, restaurant, café, bar or any other kind of hospitality or events business faces an uncertain future – as does anyone whose business relies on face to face interaction with their fellow humans. In fact this is likely to have a knock-on impact on businesses we haven’t even thought about yet.

And  yet  those  people – just  like  everyone  else –  needs  to  continue making money.

They need to keep a roof over their head, food on the table and be in position to go again when all this ends and we get back to normal.

What if there was a way to make as   much  money as  you  need (and  a great  deal  more) without leaving home – one which can not only  survive the crisis we’re currently experiencing, but actually thrives from it?

If you were to design a money  making  strategy  from  scratch  to  take
advantage of   the  circumstances  we’re  currently  experiencing,  this  is exactly what you’d come up with – a business where…


How do I know this is perfect for now? 

Because the guy who developed it is something of a recluse.

He started self-isolating years ago before it became a thing, and has run this business from the top of a French mountain, from a remote Swedish farm and from the wilds of northern Scotland.

If you’re looking for an insurance  policy  that  will  enable  you  to  make money without leaving home to steer you through this crisis and beyond, I can genuinely think of nothing which fits the bill more closely.

Take a look now and respond today.  In every crisis, there are opportunities.

Even if you’ve looked at doing something like this before and decided against, think again. Now is the time.

Click HERE for more information

Kind Regards,

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John Harrison

  P.S Uncertain and volatile times are precisely when this works best. 
         What other opportunity can you say that about?     

Everyone Gets Dumped On-Rejoice!

Crap happens to me, it happens to you… and it happens to Bill Gates.

Back in the days when I was struggling, I used to think that wealthy and successful people led some kind of utopian existence. They made their way in the world by having fortune shine down upon them and then used their money to ward off all the tedious and nasty things that happen to ordinary folk. Well now I know it’s not like that. Success doesn’t depend on not having crap things happen to you. It depends on dealing with crap when it happens.

Let me put that a bit more politely. To be successful you have to deal effectively with the adversity that impacts everyone. Once you become successful, you’ll still have to deal with adversity. If you think success will make you immune to adversity – you’re wrong. It won’t.

We all get pretty much the same amount of luck in our lives. Oh sure, you go through times where nothing seems to go right. Everybody does. But over the long haul… whether it’s in your career, business or personal life… everyone gets broadly the same amount of luck. It’s what you do with it that matters.

But here’s an interesting thing. When something does go wrong – when it seems like Lady Luck is just having a laugh – that event will almost certainly contain within it, the seeds of something positive. You just need to look for it. If you take just one thing from this book, make it a commitment to seek out the positive seeds in each piece of adversity you encounter. They’re there. I can promise you that.

In my business, every single time I’ve had a setback, when something hasn’t worked as well as it should, or a deal or project has fallen through, it has caused me to seek out a solution or replacement project that has led to even better things. Here’s just one example…

When we first started out in the direct response business, we needed to rent mailing lists. I approached the biggest supplier of the type of lists we wanted at the time, but they refused to deal with us. I don’t know whether they were afraid of the competition or thought we were small fry wasting their time (probably the latter). Anyway, I needed a solution.

So I found a broker who sourced for us some fantastic lists that really formed the bedrock of the business we have today. About a year later, the original company I’d approached decided we were now worth dealing with, and let us use their lists.

Guess what? Their lists were terrible! If they’d let us have them 12 months earlier, I’d have probably concluded that the direct response business wasn’t for me and given up.

The setback… the piece of bad luck… was a blessing in disguise.

What I’m trying to get over to you is this – success of any type has nothing to do with luck. Over the long haul, and aside from some very extreme cases for which you do NOT qualify, there’s no such thing as bad luck. There is just stuff that happens to you… the same stuff that happens to everyone else at some point in their lives. It’s what you do that matters.

Some people learn, look for the positive angle and move on. Others give up. Those who give up are the ones who believe they’re ‘just unlucky’ and it’s their fate to fail. “Why beat yourself up,” they might say, “if the stars/gods/fates are against you?”

Those who move forward are the people who know that luck has absolutely nothing to do with it – that their success or failure is completely, utterly and exclusively, down to them. How can you give in when there’s nobody or nothing else to blame?

Kind Regards

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John Harrison  


Dear Streetwise Customer, 

Imagine sitting down this afternoon and tapping out a simple letter. It takes you perhaps a couple of hours to get it right…

And Then Over The Next Few Years It Brings In Over £5 Million.

Pure fantasy? 

Not at all. I’ve done it.  I’ll even show you the letter. And I’ve written lots of others just like it, although they weren’t all quite as successful as that one. 

  But Even So, Many Of  Them Landed Thousands Of Pounds In My Bank Account Within Days, and Hundreds of Thousands Within Weeks. 

Like to learn how to do the same? 

Well there has really Never Been A Better Time for three reasons… 

1. These letters bring in serious money when times are tough – and they 
    don’t come much tougher than they are right now. 

2. These letters are even more powerful when the world is relying on the 
    internet for its requirements, just like it is right now. 

3. You probably have some free time available to learn how to do this at the moment. 

 Allow me to show you, for more details CLICK HERE

This is an exciting and realistic alternative to the gloom which is all around us today – an escape route.  It’s an alternative that can  quickly see you banking more than enough money to see yourself and your family right through this current crisis and then into  uncharted financial success when all this is over.

This comes with a 100% cast iron 90 day money back guarantee. There is absolutely no risk to you to take a look.

Very Best Wishes,

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  John Harrison
  Streetwise Publications

You Get To Pick Your Own Role, So Choose Well.

One of the most widely known quotations from Shakespeare’s play As You Like It is: “All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players.” Perhaps you’ve not given it much thought; I know I hadn’t until I came across a couple of other things.

The first was a book by Derren Brown called Tricks of The Mind. In one chapter, Brown discusses the subject of developing and displaying confidence. Now if you’ve ever seen Brown perform, I think you’ll agree that he comes across as being supremely confident. And yet it wasn’t always like that, and indeed isn’t necessarily like that today.

You see, in his early life, Brown suffered from the same doubts and insecurities as most of us. So what made the difference? Well he discovered something very simple, and yet extraordinarily powerful – in order to become confident, you firstly have to act confident. Once you start to act in a confident manner, others begin to treat you as confident, and guess what? You become confident because of the way other people are now treating you. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The second thing that happened concerned one of the actors who features in a film I’d been working on. Part of ‘the deal’ when you star in a film is that you’re expected to help promote it. Now acting and promotion are two completely different things, which is why the cast of this film were booked in for a training session on how to present themselves in interviews. Some of the cast were ‘naturals’, but one guy (I won’t say who to save his blushes) just wasn’t comfortable with this sort of attention. Whilst he comes to life on screen, in private he’s pretty quiet and unassuming. Perfectly fine qualities in a human being, but not so great when you’re trying to excite and enthuse people about the film you’ve just made.

The lady running the course had seen all this before and knew exactly what to do. Instead of giving him a list of specific instructions, which she knew he’d probably forget anyway, she gave him just one instruction… “Just imagine it’s a part, and you’re playing a successful movie star!”

As soon as he twigged this… that he wasn’t being himself in these interviews he was simply playing a part, just as he did every day of his working life, the transition was near-instantaneous. He acted like a movie star, so people started to treat and react to him as though he was a movie star. You know what happens next… he’ll start to feel like a movie star, and that will affect how he behaves naturally. But like Derren Brown, he had to consciously choose the role before it became part of him.

Is there an ‘Aha!’ moment there for you? I know there was one for me. The world is indeed a stage and we’re all playing parts. The great news is that we get to choose the parts we play. Nobody else chooses those parts for us. If we play the part well, the world demands and dictates that we play it for life. But it works both ways. Choose a lousy part for yourself – and if you don’t apply conscious effort and thought to this, you probably will – and that’s the part the world will allocate to you too.

Once you realise that, you become what you present yourself as being, it’s a tremendously enlightening and empowering moment, because you know that your fate and fortunes lay entirely in your own hands. But it can be a frightening moment too, because every excuse you ever had for not being where and what you want to be, is stripped away in an instant. And there’s comfort to be had in excuses.

Kind Regards

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John Harrison  


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“How To Beat This Crisis!”

 Dear Streetwise Customer,

By any measure, the last few months have been traumatic.

I’m not going to dwell on the details – you’re already being bombarded with the negative news from all angles and it feels like there’s no escape.

You know what’s happening…but maybe you don’t know what to do about it.

The scale and duration of the   health risk remains uncertain, but the economic impact is likely to be felt much more widely and be much longer lasting. Anyone running a pub, restaurant, café, bar or any other kind of hospitality or events business faces an uncertain future – as does anyone whose business relies on face to face interaction with their fellow humans. In fact this is likely to have a knock-on impact on businesses we haven’t even thought about yet.

And  yet  those  people – just  like  everyone  else –  needs  to  continue making money.

They need to keep a roof over their head, food on the table and be in position to go again when all this ends and we get back to normal.

What if there was a way to make as   much  money as  you  need (and  a great  deal  more) without leaving home – one which can not only  survive the crisis we’re currently experiencing, but actually thrives from it?

If you were to design a money  making  strategy  from  scratch  to  take
advantage of   the  circumstances  we’re  currently  experiencing,  this  is exactly what you’d come up with – a business where…


How do I know this is perfect for now? 

Because the guy who developed it is something of a recluse.

He started self-isolating years ago before it became a thing, and has run this business from the top of a French mountain, from a remote Swedish farm and from the wilds of northern Scotland.

If you’re looking for an insurance  policy  that  will  enable  you  to  make money without leaving home to steer you through this crisis and beyond, I can genuinely think of nothing which fits the bill more closely.

Take a look now and respond today.  In every crisis, there are opportunities.

Even if you’ve looked at doing something like this before and decided against, think again. Now is the time.

Click HERE for more information

Kind Regards,

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John Harrison

  P.S Uncertain and volatile times are precisely when this works best. 
         What other opportunity can you say that about?